
Bersiaran Dari Labuan

bye bye jetty Menumbuk...hehehe. yup! I'm now at Labuan. Suker2....akhirnya sampai jugak ke Labuan ni, yelah..selama2 dok Sabah ni tak pernah sampai pon Labuan la baru dapat sampai. Skang ni aku bersiaran dari bilik hotel.....ada wifi...aku pong aper lagik, tak melepaskan peluang la.....hahaha. Penat lagi nih. The Driver pon dah tergolek.....letih. Ohhh...Labuan...Jauh lagi ker? The journey was from Keningau to Menumbuk tu pening la jugak...nak2 ngan Laila muntah a couple of times. Kami menginap di Tiara Labuan Hotel lah kat sini....tak sibuk sangat sebab dia dok kat pinggir bandar room pon sangat la cosy and spacious....mmg highly recommended lah. Jap lagi anak2 nak ajak mandi kolam nih...wah..nampak nyer dapat la aku merasminkan my new swimming suit..hehehe

Citer Sedih Ahkak.....

Sedih pasal aper? Hmm...nampak nyer untuk sementara waktu ni ahkak tak boleh ler nak wat projek baking2, wat kek ker kecuali kek kukus jer,huhuhu), wat roti ker.....atau2 apa2 kerja yang kena bakar2 lah sebab my oven sudah rosak. Huhuhu.....sedih wooo.....macam mana boleh rosak? Well, hari Khamis lepas ada la orang ni datang umah mai betulkan dapo ni sikit, pastu ntah cemaner la dia wat keje dia tak alih pon all my stuff yang ada kat counter top tuh.....dia main redah jer, tiba2 ntah cemaner dia terlanggar ker ...terjatuh ker..sampai my oven tu pon jatuh tergolek. Ahkak tak nampak pon sebenarnyer sebab ahkak masa tu tengah sembahyang. Ahkak cuma dengar bunyi tunggang langgang benda jatuh. Bila ahkak gi jenguk tengok2 oven dah elok2 dok atas counter tu balik as if like nothing happened la...tapi dia tak tahu...ahkak ni C.S.I....(kuikuikui)....akak dapati gula2 yg hubby akak sorok (from the kids) dalam oven tu dah bertabur....pastu atas oven tu jugak ada sesikat pisang dok


Aku bukan nak citer pasal bulu mata...or bulu roma...bulu kaki or apa2 bulu di badan nilah..cumer nak citer pasal orang yang berkawan pilih bulu. Pada pendapat aku, memang patut kita pilih2 kawan, pilih yang baik2 serta ikhlas bersahabat gitulah hendaknyer. Cuma ada gak orang yang pilih kawan sebab orang tu kaya atau banyak duit....atau pon orang tu sama taraf ngan dia...mcm sama2 keja besar or gaji besar.....ada jugak orang yang hanya nak kawan ngan orang2 yang keje...ngan surirumah diaorang takmo kawan..... Pada pendapat korang la kan, adakah kerana orang2 ni memilih serta menapis2 sahabat mereka membuatkan mereka ni sombong, atau tak baik? Gini la....aku amik contoh aku la kan...I'm a housewife, which most of this country's society call and labelled us as "not working" or "tak kerja" (walhal we did all kinds of work, with no annual leaves, on calls 24-7 ,including public holidays and plus double or even triple extra job during festives seasons, and they a


owh...aku rasa macam nak berenang balik jer. huhuhu...beh nya kalau dapat berenang mcm dugong duyung dalam kolam....wakakaka! Masa aku kecik2 dulu, aku memang takut air walaupun rumah aku ni tiap2 tahun banjir. Kalau mandi banjir tu aku dok je tepi tangga sambil pegang tangga...tak berani nak pegi jauh2 and lepas tangan. Sebab nye kan..seingat aku la...aku penah lemas ..masa tu aku omo 5,6 tahun la kot, aku dok atas pelampung yang tiub tayar tu kan..pastu sekali pelampung tu terbalik...ala2 kayak capsized I was struggling to surface myself lah.....owh..giler seram betulla ....nasib baik omo aku panjang......ada can la nak belajar berenang. So bila my cousin dua orang ni (Nora and Nor )pegi belajar berenang kat kolam belakang SM Kota Bharu (currently known as SMK Kota Bharu) so aku ikut sekali...ntah cemaner aku leh berani nak ikut.....mebi sebab aku terguda dengan swimsuit yang lawa2 tu kot, kat situ la aku bajar berenang. Tapi bajar tak habis pom....takat pa

Angah goes to school

My second daughter Laila (Angah ) is now in her Primary 1. We send her to the same school with her sister, Sophea, SK Pasir Puteh which is only 3 minutes drive from our home. Angah has always been excited of going to the Primary and so far she's enjoying herself being at school in class 1 Kelisa . I used to worry so much on how she would adapt herself with the new situation and environment even if she had spent 2 years at kindergarten but I guess I had not to worry anymore because she's doing just fine. She easily made new friends, she can go to the toilet by herself and unlike Sophea who tends to cry over small things....Laila is not. She's more independent at school than at home ,vice versa with Sophea. we're ready for school ! me too ( Aina,hehehe) Starting from this year ,the Ministry of Education just introduced Mandarin Classes at selected primary schools in Malaysia and my kids' school is one of them. My husband and I agreed on sending Laila to take this cl


Masa balik kampung hari tu a couple days sebelum balik Sabah kami pegi PD.....tido kat sana satu malam kat Tanjung Tuan....aper ntah...tak ingat BIL booked a 3 bedroom apartment for all of us (me and my small family, my BIL's family, my MIL,and the newlyweds)....overlooking the Malacca Straits......cantik sungguh. Anak2 la paling suka...dapat mandi laut and mandi kolam. As for me...ntah la, I don't like mandi laut....sebab air dia masin and berombak......hahaha, dah nama nye pon air laut, of kos la masin me and hubby just sat by the beach and enjoyed the view....watching the sunset. And then something popped into my head....I thought of going out for a romantic walk with my hubby by the sea shore while the kids were all asleep at night but akhirnya......ngan aku2 sekali gol masa tidokan Aina n Yasmin....hahaha.....romantic walk dalam mimpi jela ......

I'm connected...! At last.....

yer..akhirnya aku dapat bertenet semula. Thanks to my sister Siti yang bermurah hati dan sudi untuk mengepos adaptor modem aku yang tertinggal kat soon as the parcel arrived cepat2 aku bukak and terus hidupkan laptop....nasib baik la Streamyx tak kena potong...kalu tak haru jugak ....huhuhu. Eh, lupa pulak nak wish Happy New Year 2009 and 1430 Hijrah........tu la eksaited sangat dapat online, hehehe...... Nila bungkusan yang di nanti2..... Anyway..aper nak citer yer? well.....I'm back at my home sweet took me several days jugak la nak mengemas....especially all the dust yang dah tebal....huhuhu. Ni pon bersepah2 gak lagi kat dapur sebab yelah...dapur tu blom siap 100% lagik......skang tgh wat wiring ....kabinet plak baru buat yang tak siap pasang dah tempah la.....aiseh..berapa banyak tapi daa....ehh..jap....aku tak bitau kan that I just extended my dapur kan? Ha....tu lah...memang tak mention pon kat blog ni that we were doi


Actually, banyak cerita, berita dan perkara yang nak di tulis tapi entah.....tak tertulis rasanyer. Since dah lama tak dapat nak online diri ni rasa macam sangatla ketinggalan. This Wednesday aku dah nak balik Keningau dah...suka tu..suka jugak, sebab dah agak lama tinggalkan rumah, tapi macam ada tak berapa nak suka jugak sebab tak puas jalan and shopping lagi.Hehehe.....but overall, trip balik kampung tahun ni kami dapat banyak berjalan.....walaupun sekejap2 tapi at least dapatla bawak anak2 kenal negara sendiri....we went to Terengganu, Pahang, Negeri Sembilan and Melaka....Kelantan, Selangor and KL tu tak kira la kan....thanks a lot to my sisters yang bagi pinjam keta...... Ngan Tie a.k.a Comel_80 Balik kampung kali ni jugak aku sempat jumpa my forum fren- Tie, and he husband Wan. Kami ni sama2 kenal kat forum (BDN) since 2005 lagi...baru ni la dapat jumpa. Pastu dapat jumpe beberapa orang lagi forummers BDN...Dieda, Huzz and Judd. Dengan another fren of mine Iena yang

It's not a good bye...

I"m now actually at KLIA just arrived from KB and I'm grabbing all the chance to get myself online while I have the chance. Tomorow we'll be celebrating Eidul-Adha and my flight from KB to KL just now was only 1/4 being occupied. I guess everyone is going to Kota Bharu instead of leaving Kota Bharu...huhuhu...sedey nyer......we'll be celebrating the Eid at my hubby's kampung and this is my first time celebrating it there. I wonder how it would be.......hmm......saying good bye to my never easy....I tried hard not burst into tears. It's okay.....we'll see each other again next year.....perhaps in May? I love all you so very much and I'm definitely are missing all of you already.Huhuhuhu....

Huhu,hehe,haha,huhu again.

Huhuhu....rasa macam kejap jer masa berlalu, tak puas lagi aku dok kat kampung dah nak kena balik kampung my hubby plak. This Sunday we'll be leaving for Port Klang .....huhuhu, actually hari tu dah pegi dah pon Pulau Indah sekejap when I went to my cousin's wedding at since we were already therem we thought it would be nice if dropped by..lagipon my brother in-law pon was about to get married too..... Sepanjang dok my kampung ni dapat la nak makan apa yg dah dok rancang2 tuh.....nasi kerabu...nasi belauk....nasi dagang besok baru dapat makan....hehehe. Shopping pon ada gak skit2....plan nak pegi Rantau Panjang with my sister Siti, tp terpaksa cancel plak...sebab Rantau Panjang banjir...ingatkan sempat la nak pegi sana.....but nampaknyer plan nak ke Rantau Panjang pada tahun ni terpaksa di tunda ke tahun depan la.........Tapi...walaupun tak dapat nak pegi ke Rantau mission and vision to buy periuk masak VISION, tercapai gak, ekekeke...kirim kat my sister

Miss me?

Hehehe...ada orang rindukan saya tak? ekekeke...owh...seronok nyer biler dapat online. I'm now at my beloved kampung....suker, suker. We left Keningau around 8 a.m. last 17/11 and safely arrived Kota Bharu around 8 p.m. Owh giler penat...sehari suntuk travel. Anak2 sumer okay..cumer Yasmin la.....nangis2 takmo naik flight and tak mau pakai seat belt, hadoi....melalak2 masa take off and landing suh bukak seat belt. Siap cakap kat Ayanh dia nak balik rumah kat Keningau, akakaka....sabor jelah. Kepada penumpang2 flight MH 069 dan MH 1402....maaf la yer, anak saya melalak2. Tp kejap je la..masa kena pakai seat belt jelah...bila dah boleh bukak seat belt elok jer dia....nak2 bila dapat makan, hehehe. Aina jugak la yang berjurus jer. Tak wat hal langsung. Makan bubur nasik habis licin,hehehe. Kat Kota Bharu ni asyik hujan jer...kalau tak hujan pon redup jer, matahari pon malu2 nak keluar, sidai baju pon payah nyer nak kering.....tu yang timbul proposal nak beli dryer nih...hehehe...bukan

Another Tag....

This tag is from here it goes... YOURSELF MAAA~ 1. Tarikh lahir : 9 August,1976(leh ler korang start menabung nak bagi present,hehehe 2. Tempat lahir : Kota Bharu, Kelate 3. Panggilan : Janna, Zana, hairanaz ( ni kat forum laa...) 4. Ada adik @ x,nama die? : Abdullah Munsif, Wan Azizon, Siti Aisy ah, Ahlami, Fatien Adibah. 5. Ada abg @ x,nama die? : nope, abang ipar ada laa... I bagi nama kakak la yer, Aida, Ramizah, Noor Haniah and Halilah. 6. Penah kena sebat dgn abah? :penah 7. Penah kena mrh dgn mak? : of kos ler.... 8. Kenangan yg xbleh bla : kenagan masa skolah..masa dok U...masa kecik2.... 9. Feberet mkanan & minuman : aper yer? sumer yg besh2 lah 10. Bende yg berharga pnh anda dpt : my family TIME KO NGADAP BUKU DULU²~ 1. Spm/stpm/dip/deg : Degree 2. suke cikgu sejarah x? : err..biasa2 jer, tp masa form 3 dulu guru sejarah saya nama Mohd. Nor b Merah, tp kami student2 panggey dia NorRed, hehehe.... 3. Pnh tersuke dgn cikgu? : rasa nyer dop 4. Cikgu lelaki @

Tag (again...)

I was tagged again by Halen....though I seldomly do this so called tag but I think I'll do this one.... Name : Zanariah Wan Muhammad (don't ask why I don't have "Wan") Sisters : 4 elders and 4 youngers.....lot of them,hehehe. Brothers : 1 Shoe size : 5 Height : 153cm Where do you live : Keningau, Sabah Have you ever been on a plane : Definitely Swam in the ocean : of course Fallen asleep at school : I'm not sure....rasa nyer tak pernah, since I dok depan. Broken someone’s heart : ntah.... Fell off your chair : oh Yes ! hahaha ! Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : sudah semestinyer... Saved e-mails : never. What is your room like : my room? sometimes sgt ler tidy and cosy..somtimes mcm tongkang pecah, ekekek. What’s right beside you: a telephone What is the last thing you ate : sweet buns that I baked myself....(nok oyak jugok tu...kikiki) Chicken pox : tak ingat Sore throat : err...very seldom. Stitches : I had my first s

Happy Birthday Ayang...!

Today is my husband's 32nd birthday. Happy Birthday Ayang. We only went to KFC to celebrate and I also had baked a cheesecake during the day. My husband enjoys cheesecakes very much (and me too!). And that was it. Hehehe.... My husband is the 3rd child in his family and to me he is a very special person. He is a loving father to my kids and definitely a loving husband and life partner to me. If my husband wasn't meant to be a teacher, I think he definitely no doubt would be a successful manager because he is responsible and really good in managing things and tasks. Unlike me who tends to run from problems, he tackles it and settles them. My husband is not fussy about food he eats almost anything that tastes good, asian, western, chinese, indian.... Hehehe....he loves seafood very much and luckily we are here in Sabah ...the seafood heaven, a perfect place for someone like him. My Ayang loves sport, all kinds of, tennis, wrestling, martial arts, rally car, F1


Yesterday I received a sad dear cousin Abe Ra had passed away. I wasn't sure what was the cause of his death. Poor my auntie Cik Yah, last July she just lost her husband of 40 years- my uncle, Ayah Sid , and now her eldest son. Abe Ra is not even 40 yetbut according to my sister, Jie, Abe Ra had been complaining of severe head ache since last Raya, and he had to be warded because of that.He almost lost his life once when he was struck by high voltage electric shock at work. He burnt quite a large part of his body, inlcuding his face but he survived. He was a nice person and always in hand whenever we need his favor especially with the electric thingy. He reminded me of my late uncle, Ayah Soh...who used to do this electric wiring in our house (and other relatives)too. ***************************************** Mohd Umran Wan Abdul Rashid, had peacefully departed on 30th October 2008, leaving behind a mother (Nariah), a wife (Wan Rohaya),5 brothers (Umar Khairi, Mohs Zaf

Happy Birthday Laila a.k.a Angah

err...mind the hair... This entry is special for my 2nd princess, Laila Amani. She has turned 6 last 26 October. Sorry Angah for the late's merely because we went to KK on that day so I didn't have the chance to get myself online. We bought her a cake and celebrated it at 1Borneo, hehehe.....we took her to this playland for kids which they called Boo Boo Land and let the birthday girl enjoyed herself. Jadi laa.....hehehe. I was pregnant with Laila when I was only 26,I didn't have any problems until it came to my 40th week of pregnancy ,the doctor told me that my baby was in a breech position and since I was also over due and he also strongly believed that the chances for my baby to turn into normal position is very low so he advised me to go for a c-section. I agreed. I was supposed to admit myself to the hospital on the Wednesday(23/10/02) but I only went on Friday (25/10/02), I was scheduled to undergo the c-section on Tuesday.....but the doctor pr

You Make My Day..!

Yesterday I was extremely happy when I received a special gift from a special blogger friend - Eedany . When I heard the horn sound from the post van I just knew it that the special parcel from me was finally here. I was like a small kid ..overjoyed and couldn't stop smiling as my hands were trying to unwrap the box. As I opened it I could see colorful things being carefully wrapped in bubble wraps..Yasmin was anxious too to find out what was that colorful thing. Finally.....taraaaaa......FRIDGE MAGNETS ! Hehehehe..........owh..Eedany...thanks you sooooooooooooooooo very very much for the FMs....I really really truly love it ! Seriously ! Even my kids like them too since they're sooooooo damn cute ! Owh ! I still can't stop smiling ......but unfortunately, since I'm having problems with my memory card so I couldn't snap any least for now. I promise I'll snap some later,okay! To eedany..thanks're such a nice person and I'd l

Yasmin nyanyi

Hehehe..actually dari hari tu lagi dok nak upload tak terupload2....lepas tgk my sis Ahlami buh video pasal my niece Azizah dok nyanyi....aku pon semangat la nak buh video Yasmin nyanyi plak.... Tajuk Video : Yasmin singing Sakura Card Captor theme song Jurukamera : Siti Aisyah Wan Muhammad

Kesian budak tu...

Aku kesian la tengok budak kat depan umah aku ni. They just moved in to the neighbourhood last June and me being such a "friendly" neighbour have yet been to their house. I segan la plak......I could see the wife everyday....either going to work or fetching her teenage girl from school. They also have a son whom I guess is 9 years old or something. I kesian the boy ni laa...macam tader kawan. I assumed he is the youngest in the family since tader lagi budak yang lagi kecik dari dia....hehehe.Tiap2 petang nanti dia akan kuar dari rumah dia and dok kat depan tu.....tengok2 orang..walau pun tiap petang boleh di katakan ramai jugak la budak2 dok bermain2 kat lorong rumah aku nie....main basikal ker...badminton ker....budak2 around his age jugak la..but he never bothers to mix around or make new friends. Nampak macam dia boring and tader sapa nak layan dia......kadang2 dia baling batu kat atas bumbung2 rumah nie.....bila orang nampak or tengok nanti dia akan cepat2 masuk dalam rum

Tak Sabar weh..!

Owh...tersangat la tak sabar...tak sabar nak balik kampung.Hehehe....tiket dah ada...hari2 dok belek2.....macam orang tak balik kampung 10 tahun kekdah nya. Tahun ni kami balik ngan tiket sponsor....sebab tahun lepas dah habis beriban2 untuk beli tiket flight sendiri. Tapi, nak balik kampung punya pasal...tak kisah la.....bukan selalu pon..setahun sekali jer. Cumer starting from next year semua kakitangan kerajaan dari Semenanjung yang bertugas di Sabah atau Sarawak (dan vise versa bagi kakitangan yang berasal dari Sabah/Sarawak yg bertugas di Semenanjung) akan dapat tiket sponsor setahun sekali. Sebelum ni kami dapat for every two years jer dah dapat tiap2 tahun...ringan la sikit. Kami dah dapat pon tiket untuk balik kampung. Flight kami is on 17/11/08....flight tengah hari rasanyer. Tahun ni kami balik KB dulu......pastu 7/12 baru kami balik ke Pulau Indah pulak. Pastu kami akan balik ke Keningau semula on December, 24......sehari sebelum Krismas. Hmm......jadik la....sebulan