Belasungkawa : Almarhum Mohamad Jainudin bin Moklas ( part 2)

I came to know arwah since he was my mother in law's first cousin and to make us even closer was because he also was posted to Sabah once he graduated. So we were the only family he had in Sabah. We seldom visited each other and usually whenever we went to KK we would also visited them. My husband and him also bought a house in the same housing estate. Din, as we always called him eventhough we were supposed to call him paman ( uncle in Javanese) was someone who was always smiling. Kalau terbayang muka dia po mesti kita ternampak muka dia yang sentiasa murah dengan senyuman sampai nampak gigi. Anak2 pon bila di tanya how do you see Atuk Din in your mind? Diaorang pon akan cakap terbayang muka Atuk Din yang selalu tersenyum. He was a loving husband and father. Kalu pegi rumah dia kadang masa kita sampai tu dia bukak pintu sambil pakai apron. Tengah masak di dapur, Hehe. In fact masa malam kejadian tu pon Fiza cerita sebelum kena stroke tu dia tengah cuci pinggan, kema...