

I received this award from Melati Putih ...huhuhuhu...terharu sungguh ! Tengkiu saya ingin panjang kan award ni kepada : - Ahlami and Ise & Siti (adik2 sayer....) - Adrina (sepupu sayer) - Ayang (somi sayer...) hehehe......tima kasih.

Owh school holiday.....

Owh..sungguh tak besh cuti skolah kali nie, dah la tak dapat nak berjalan ke mana2, kanak2 ribena tu pulak bermaharajalela kat umah nie....adoi..siap tag team lagi melawan aku...kalah eden....tambah2 lagi....with no husband around. Jadi "ibu tinggal" la aku....hahaha. My husband is away to Klang for a silat tournament dan memandangkan tournament tu di buat dekat his hometown so he grabs the chance untuk balik rumah mak dia jap.......and he'll only be back in Keningau on Saturday. Huhuhuhu...lambat nyer. Last 18/8 was Sophea's 7th birthday. She had requested for a Power Puff Girls cake so....PPG it was. Owh punyer la lenguh tangan nak melukis atas kek...nak mewarna lagi...dia plak request suh lukis tiga2 (ekor?) orang PPG tu la..anak punyer pasal buat la jugak. We just celebrated the day among us only. Sophea had made a list of things that she would like to have as birthday present but we decided to buy one item of the things in the l

Say cheese..!

Aina Rihana Mokhsin Nampak tak gigi saya? 4 budak yang dah kuar dari perut nie....


Owh baru jer tadi, aku suh budak2 ni masuk tido.. pastu Yasmin wat la main2, takmo masuk tido....aku pon dengan muka siyes suh dia masuk bilik. Mak Yasmin: Nin, masuk bilik cepat, pegi tido(sambil cekak pinggang) Yasmin: tak nak... Mak YAsmin : Nin nak tido ngan mak tak? (masih bercekak pinggang) Yasmin: tak nak...hehehehee....(sambil sengih2) Mak Yasmin: oo...nin tak nak tido ngan mak yer..Nin nak tido mana , nin nak tido kat luar?(siyes ni la konon) Yasmin : nak tido hotel....ikikikik...(sambil gelaks) Mak YAsmin: bertuah punyer anak..(dalam hati)

Well, was my birthday

I baked and decorated my own birthday cake Yup, it was my 32nd birthday last August,9. Alahai...dah makin tua dah aku..anak pon dah 4, hehehe. Mana ada tua sangat ...masih boleh beranak lagi kan. Anyway, masa on my birthday tu my Ayang pegi KK, nak servis keta so he wasn't home lah. Kebetulan ada a friend of mine mintak tolong buatkan kek untuk birthday party anaknyer, so aku pon wat la kek sebijik untuk aku. Petang tu lepas Asar terus gerak ke rumah my fren tu utk majlis tu la. Pastu aku pon bisik la kat my fren -Sah, ...actually..hari ni birthday aku...waaa...terus dia wat announcement kat sumer ...adoi..! Malu gue.....hihihi. Sah buat laksa penang hari tu...oowh..sedapnyer laksa penang..tak puas aku makan.Siap tapau lagik,hihihi. nila hadiah nyer....:) Aku ingat my Ayang dah luper dah my sebenarnyer dia tak luper pong..dia ingat....sajer jer tak wish kat aku awal2 katanya. So lepas dah balik dari rumah Sah tu, dia pon bagila present kat aku......hehehe...A body Sh

The Trash Man

Okay...since my fren Zatul told me to write about anything...and it could be anything, so I guess to talk about a group of people that is quite important to be in our daily lives, The Trash Men. Yup..the trash men, what would we be without them? When I first came here in Keningau, we had to pay for door- to- door trash service in our housing estates and if we chose not to, we had to do the trash ourselves, I mean we had to find the nearest trash bin and toss all of our trashes in there. But's much convenient since we don't have to trouble ourselves by driving for a few kilometers only to throw the trash, the authority has provided us with the door -to door- trash service and the only thing that we have to worry about is the tax, hehehe. The trash truck come to my housing estates twice a week, which is on Tuesday and Friday. Though I thought it would be much efficient if they come trice a week, but I guess...... twice pon twice lah..! So today I was watching the tra


Well, here I front of the PC trying to jot something down but nothing came to my mind. What's happening to me? I guess lately nothing interesting happened. Owh..tomorrow the XXIXth Olympic in Beijing will officially start. Good Luck to all the Malaysian your best!

Pen Pals

Do you have pen pals ? Well, I used to have a few when I was young. I had my first pen pal when I was 11, I didn't exactly remember how we got to know each other and had each other's addresses but I think she was a friend's friend or a friend's acquaintance or something like that. She lived not very from my hometown and I still remember we shared the same interest- Stamp Collecting ! We regularly wrote to each other and did some stamps exchanging. I enjoyed being her pen friend and we kept writing for a quite some time but I wasn't sure what went wrong....I think it was me....that made us stop. My second pen pal was a Swedish girl named Monica Pahlsson (actually ada satu titik atas huruf 'a' tu ) . I got her address from a service called International Youth Services. At that time it was kinda a trend to have pen pals from foreign countries especially from The States and Europe, even my elder sisters had a few of themselves too. I was so excited to h

where to start?

Yer..itulah situasi aku sekarang. Dalam kepala ni macam2 idea ada, tapi tak tahu mana satu nak start. Tak pela..kita melalut2 la dulu. Aina dah tumbuh gigi...2 kat atas and dua kat bawah. Takut aku nak breastfeed dia...takut kena gigit. Kalau dia makan bubur skang ni pon dia suke gigit2 sudu tu. Alahai...anak mak. Hari Selasa baru2 ni pegi klinik for her regular check up, berat Aina skang 7.3kg. Jadi laa....yang penting normal, jangan under weight atau pun over weight. Berat2 sangat nanti mak tak larat nak dukung. Skang ni dah tengah bulan Rejab..tak lama lagi Syaaban..pastu Ramadhan. Hari Selasa tu... lepas pegi klinik kami pegi makan roti canai, pastu ada sorang ni dia bila dia nampak aku terus dia tanya...tahun ni tak berniaga ker? Aduhai......aku pon dok fikir2 jugak,nak berniaga ke tak bulan puasa nanti. Aku suker bukak gerai tiap2 kali bulan puasa....tahun ni tengok la...kalau ada pembantu....leh gak bukak gerai ayam percik lagi,hehehe.

Check this out!

I was trying out this....hehehe. Got nothing to do. Art Museum by

Adios Amigos..!

Wah...kita cakap Spanish plak, amacam? hehehe... Anyway....Jumaat lepas aku pegi jumper a friend of mine ni, dia dah dapat pindah ke Semenanjung selepas dah 7,8 tahun kot dok di Keningau ni. My fren ni dia ngajar sama skolah ngan my Ayang. Masa kami pegi tu sumer barang2 dah siap packing and orang yg tukang pindah2 barang ni dah pon dah ready nak wat masuk sumer barang2 tu dalam kontena. Banyak la jugak barang2 dia. My fren Zirazan ni dulu satu skolah ngan aku - Ma'ahad Muhammadi Perempuan (MMP), tp masa di MMP tu dulu aku tak kenal sangat dia sebab dia dok kelas pandai...aku lak dok kelas hujung2......hehehe, tp Zirazan ni memang baik orang nyer. Zirazan ngan suami dia dapat pindah mengajar di Marang ,Terengganu...dapat skolah Henry Gurney. Hohohoho.....sekolah untuk pesalah2 juvenil tu. Untuk Zirazan dan suami...selamat mengajar di tempat baru...semoga tak dilupa pada kami di sini yer..! Aku bila plak nak mintak pindah? Hmm.....setakat ni tak terfikir lagi nak pindah balik Sem

A memory.....

FAM rakam takziah kepada keluarga bekas pengadil FIFA PERSATUAN Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM) hari ini mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga bekas pengadil Persekutuan Bola Sepak Antarabangsa (FIFA) dari Kelantan, Wan Rasyid Wan Jaafar yang meninggal dunia semalam. Ucapan takziah itu turut dimuatkan menerusi kenyataan ringkas di laman web rasmi badan induk bola sepak kebangsaan itu. Wan Rasyid yang menjadi pengadil FIFA dari tahun 1986 hingga 1989 menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya di Kota Bharu, tengah hari semalam. Bekas graduan Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (kini Universiti Putra Malaysia atau UPM) itu pernah berkhidmat sebagai guru di Sungai Pinang, Kelantan dan memilih bersara awal atas sebab-sebab kesihatan. Wan Rasyid, 61, meninggalkan seorang balu dan enam anak. “Dengan ini DYMM Presiden FAM, Sultan Ahmad Shah, pemegang jawatan dan anggota sekretariat serta seluruh keluarga bola sepak Malaysia mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga Allahyarham,” menurut kenyataan FAM. Di petik

Extreme Stupidity

I never write , mention or comment anything about politics in this country in my blog, because it makes me sick. But as I watched last night debate I could see how a minister whom I believed is highly educated can be so damn extremely stupid. He was out of topic most of the time...he wasn't answering any of the questions being asked and he definitely needed some tissue. You were wasting your time Mr. Minister and you have successfully amazed the world with your super duper stupidity. What were they thinking? May be they thought we are stupid too.

Backdated Tag

Adoi...actually malas betul nak wat mender tag2 nih, tp memandangkan aku pon cam tak berapa nak ada idea utk update kita layan jelah this tag thing ni yer...I've been tagged by a fren of mine whom I never met in real life... Iena Hamdi . We chat almost everyday and she sometimes call me usually when she has troubles in trying new recipes...hehehe.....we have yet to meet each other soon.....InsyaAllah....someday...kita akan jumper yer Iena....! So, here it goes.... Nama-nama timangan anda: *my frens call me....Janna, Zana, Kak Zana, Kak Janna *my family call me...Janna...Kak Ja...Che' Ja.. * my kids call me Mak... * my Ayang call me.....Ayang jugak......hehehe.... Anda seorang yang: *err..bad tempered gak.....funny la kot.....friendly...err lagi.....cantik la kot....hahaha. Insan Teristimewa ?? Describe kan Dia Terlalu Istimewa Dimata Anda: *My husband la....he is so special because he's not only my husband..but also my lover...wah * my family are special

My new neighbour

I have a new neighbour whom just moved in errr......I wasn't sure exactly when. The thing is I still don't know how he looks like. All I know that he drives a black MyVi and he lives alone. He went out early in the morning and he'll only be back home late in the evening and because he lives all by himself so I think it's kinda inappropriate for me just to greet him and start a conversation even just a brief one. My Ayang told me that he is an Ustaz...a Kelantanese and his wife is currently teaching at Lahad Datu. To be honest if I ever met him somewhere out side..I surely couldn't recognize him.

Happy 3rd Anniversary of Blogging !

Yeay! It's been 3 years since the first time I posted my first entry and started blogging ! 3 years ago I didn't even know what a blog is until I came across one and since I used to love to I thought, I should have my own blog too and I created one...and you're reading it right now. This is the first blog I've ever created and the best part's still active ! Hehehe... Blogging has been fun to me...I can pour almost anything in it....well, almost but not everything. There are times when I had so much ideas ans stories that I couldn't wait to update and there are times too when I was so out of idea and inspirations! But....thank god this blog is still breathing. At first I was kinda confused and uncertain on how should I write. Should I write in English or Malay...or both.....but then I thought....what the heck? It's my personal blog and I'll write any way I like it...any style I wish.....and this is it. The header of this blog is the

A Farewelll....

Today...July 8, 2008 marked another memorable event in my family's beloved uncle, Ayah Sid has peacefully departed at 12.30 noon at his residence surrounded by his wife and 7 children. Ayah Sid had been half paralyzed for almost 8 years after he had a stroke back in 2001. Since then he spent most of his time in his house in Kota Bharu. The last time I saw him was last December when I went to visit him with my husband and our 4 kids. He was so skinny and couldn't talk much. We barely could understand his bubbly words and he had to support his back if he wished to sit. Ayah Sid during his healthy and active life was a very funny man. In fact, even when he was already being struck by stroke he still made jokes.. He was a teacher, like my Abah and also was an international football referee ...(well, Abah was a referee too except he was only a national football referee). He had been travelling all over the world because of football. Ayah Sid'll always rema

A Special Visit

Last Friday I received a special visit from a special person. It was from Pok Zawi , a blogger like me only that he's very popular among bloggers . He came to Keningau with his son in-law Lokman and his cute chubby 10months young granddaughter, Balkis to fetch his daughter - Azini , at Institut Perguruan Keningau , whom I met online too. Hehehe .....When I first got to know Azini from my favourite forum I didn't know that Pok Zawi is her father until I was browsing every entry at Pok Zawi's blog and found out about Azini's daughter, Balqis whom Pok Zawi mentioned in his blog a lot ! Owh ...what a small world. When I heard from Azini that her father is coming to Keningau from Labuan , I instantly invited them to my house. And they did. Though the visit was short but it was no doubt sweet and memorable. Thank you for coming to Azini , Lokman .. Pok Zawi and little Balqis . You are most welcomed to my home again, anytime you wish and I'm really s


Owh ! Malas nyer nak update . Tapi bila tengok blog tak terusik lama rasa semacam pulak. Nak cerita pasal aper yer? Citer pasal ni lah... Sophea : Skolah dah bukak ni dia tak dapat2 lagi report kad. Ntah dapat nombor berapa la dia. Ada la dia wat balik kertas peksa. ...tunjuk markah yang dia dapat, tapi yang paling aku nak tengok sekali is her report card. Lambat la plak guru kelas dia nak siapkan. Alahai.... Laila: Angah skang ni dah makin rajin membaca. Masih merangkak2 mengeja satu perkataan tu tapi at least ada la jugak improvement. Kalau jalan2 mana2 mesti dia nak cube eja apa2 ejaan di papan tanda ker aper yang mudah2 la...sebelum ni main jer keje dia....skang ni nampak ada perubahan positif skit....without di suruh atau di arah she will revise on her own will. Alhamdulillah....lagipon tahun depan kan Angah dah nak masuk Tahun 1....lepas ni kena wat latih tubi pegi kencing kat toilet sendiri la plak yer.....kat sekolah nanti Mak tak leh nak monitor Angah la...sumer kena wat send


Tonight I'm very proud of myself because despite of all the mess the kids did...after all the baby crying...the bigger kids fighting....I'm still sane. Hehehe . After Maghrib as usual I would prepare the kids dinner. Laila ordered for Chapattis , Sophea wanted to have rice and Yasmin? She just ate whatever her sisters were having . So there I was in the kitchen preparing their meal. While I was rolling flat the chapatti dough I remembered that I haven't yet fed Aina but luckily for me she was just happy rolling herself here and there. So, takpelah .....I can deal with her once I've finished with the chapattis. The meal was ready and so did the kids by the table but Yasmin refused to sit in her highchair so I just let her sit on the regular chair instead, along with her elder sisters. They enjoyed their meal very much in fact Sophea also had some chapattis once she had finished her rice and Chicken Kurma . Since it was already time for Isyak prayer so I decided to