
A Special Visit

Last Friday I received a special visit from a special person. It was from Pok Zawi , a blogger like me only that he's very popular among bloggers . He came to Keningau with his son in-law Lokman and his cute chubby 10months young granddaughter, Balkis to fetch his daughter - Azini , at Institut Perguruan Keningau , whom I met online too. Hehehe .....When I first got to know Azini from my favourite forum I didn't know that Pok Zawi is her father until I was browsing every entry at Pok Zawi's blog and found out about Azini's daughter, Balqis whom Pok Zawi mentioned in his blog a lot ! Owh ...what a small world. When I heard from Azini that her father is coming to Keningau from Labuan , I instantly invited them to my house. And they did. Though the visit was short but it was no doubt sweet and memorable. Thank you for coming to Azini , Lokman .. Pok Zawi and little Balqis . You are most welcomed to my home again, anytime you wish and I'm really s


Owh ! Malas nyer nak update . Tapi bila tengok blog tak terusik lama rasa semacam pulak. Nak cerita pasal aper yer? Citer pasal ni lah... Sophea : Skolah dah bukak ni dia tak dapat2 lagi report kad. Ntah dapat nombor berapa la dia. Ada la dia wat balik kertas peksa. ...tunjuk markah yang dia dapat, tapi yang paling aku nak tengok sekali is her report card. Lambat la plak guru kelas dia nak siapkan. Alahai.... Laila: Angah skang ni dah makin rajin membaca. Masih merangkak2 mengeja satu perkataan tu tapi at least ada la jugak improvement. Kalau jalan2 mana2 mesti dia nak cube eja apa2 ejaan di papan tanda ker aper yang mudah2 la...sebelum ni main jer keje dia....skang ni nampak ada perubahan positif skit....without di suruh atau di arah she will revise on her own will. Alhamdulillah....lagipon tahun depan kan Angah dah nak masuk Tahun 1....lepas ni kena wat latih tubi pegi kencing kat toilet sendiri la plak yer.....kat sekolah nanti Mak tak leh nak monitor Angah la...sumer kena wat send


Tonight I'm very proud of myself because despite of all the mess the kids did...after all the baby crying...the bigger kids fighting....I'm still sane. Hehehe . After Maghrib as usual I would prepare the kids dinner. Laila ordered for Chapattis , Sophea wanted to have rice and Yasmin? She just ate whatever her sisters were having . So there I was in the kitchen preparing their meal. While I was rolling flat the chapatti dough I remembered that I haven't yet fed Aina but luckily for me she was just happy rolling herself here and there. So, takpelah .....I can deal with her once I've finished with the chapattis. The meal was ready and so did the kids by the table but Yasmin refused to sit in her highchair so I just let her sit on the regular chair instead, along with her elder sisters. They enjoyed their meal very much in fact Sophea also had some chapattis once she had finished her rice and Chicken Kurma . Since it was already time for Isyak prayer so I decided to

Happy Father's Day....

I'd like to wish a very Happy Father's Day to my beloved're the best Abah! And also to my Ayang....father of my children......I love you've been a great father to the girls! The girls made a card for him....and as usual, we stick it to the fridge. We spent the whole day at home, hehehe what a perfect way to celebrate.

Kak Chik Nin & Aina

tak tahu nak update aper......kita tepek la gambar sikit yer.....Yasmin dan Aina.... Peluk kuat2 jangan pegang kat pinggang, Kak Chik geli.....hihihi ! Adik nak gi mana dik? Meh Kak Chik bawak adik jalan2, nak? eh, mana adik? Tertinggal kat Petronas ker? ekekeke...

Sampai hati mue....

Nak tanya la...pernah laki korang tertinggal korang kat mana2? Sapa pernah angkat tangan ! Well, that was what happened to me recently. My Ayang tertinggal aku (dan Laila dan Yasmin tu ! ) kat stesen minyak Petronas! Sabor jelah. Kami on the wat nak balik ke Keningau dari KK, so masa suami ku yg dicintai tu benti kat petrol pump Petronas kat Lok Kawi (kira2 1jam setengah dari Keningau) aku pun turun la sebab Laila nak kencing...ingatkan dia pasan aku turun...ruper nyer tak. So bila dia dah siap isi minyak terus dia masuk keta tak toleh dah kiri kanan depan belakang, tutup pintu keta brrooooom ! blah gitu jer. Elok2 je aku kuar dari toilet sampai depan petrol pump tengok keta laki aku dah tader. Aik....pegi mana plak....of kos ler aku heran. So aku pon dengan penuh setia dan keyakinan yang tinggi bahawa mustahil laki akan tinggalkan ku dengan dua orang budak kecik ni lagi kat pertol pump...tunggu la laki ku datang balik. Lama la jugak tunggu.......cuak la jugak.....mana tak nyer, turun

Farewell Saat, Ketika & Masa

Remember my father's beloved pet ,Saat (and family) ? My father had sold them . All of them. Huhuhuhu....why? Well, last week (or was it 2 weeks ago?) father broke his right arm. He was trying to get this coconut with his new galah and suddenly this coconut fell directly on his right arm and crack! not the coconut, but Abah's arm. Owh....poor Abah....I just can't imagine how painfull it was. Luckily we have my sister Jie, so Abah no need to go through all the procedures just to have his arm being x-rayed. And the result...yes...there was a crack and Abah was given an immediate treatment by an orthopedic. Eh...yeker? pepandai jer aku nih. Since Abah's arm is injured and he was advised not to do any heavy work within a month or two so it's kinda hard for him to handle Saat , Ketika and Masa to search and prepare their food, prepare their suppliments (yes, Saat and family do get their own suppliments !), clean the goats' house and all the daily chores. Furt


I would like to congratulate my dearest sister- Jie, and her newlywed husband Azmin. We're really sorry that we couldn't make it to your wedding. May Allah bless the two of you with everlasting love and beautiful children. Semoga tabah dan banyak2 bersabar dalam mengharungi alam berumah tangga, to Azmin...jaga Jie molek2...cintailah dia seikhlas hati. Hope to meet you soon.

Happy Birthday Nin!

Super Yasmin, hehehe Last 22nd May was Yasmin birthday. Happy 2nd birthday to Nin. You must be wondering, why we call her Nin instead if Min...well, when she younger (not that she's old now, hehehe..) and started to learn to speak , she couldn't pronounce her name properly so she ended up saying Nin which was referring to her name. So we decided to call her by that name too. Nin @ Anin. I baked her a cake, my Ayang ordered some chicken satays and soto and we only invited our close friends. That was it. To Nin...Mak ayang Nin yerr......Mak doakan semoga Nin akan menjadi anak yang solehah....Nin nak pegi skolah kan...tunggu la Nin besar skit okay...Nin baru jer masuk 2 tahun...when you're finally in school blajar betul2 okay..! All the best untuk Nin.... "Amat ayi adi Nin....."

More Photos

arapaima gigas Ni la crock yang refused utk buat show tue.... Some more photos from our short trip to Sandakan and these photos are specially for my sister Amie.....Crock rules ! Hehehe...

A wish and a trip.

Before I proceed with this entry I'd like to wish a very Happy Teacher's Day to all the teachers in this world..despite of all the reason why you've become one. Hehehe....I've been around teachers all my life. My father was a sisters and brother are teachers....and my husband is also a teacher. My uncles...aunties.... tu toksah citer lah . Hehehe.....I also would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to my eldest sister, Kakak...for her 41st birthday. Muda lagi baaa....... Last Saturday we went to Sandakan to visit my sister Siti and her husband Hisyam. It was a last minute plan...well...that's my husband.... spontaneous. The journey was good despite of the road conditions and Laila being vomited for a few times,finally we safely arrived at Siti's place. we were greeted by these sky scraping trees... The next day we went to see the Orang Utans at Sepilok . It was a wonderful experience both for me and the kids. Seeing Orang Utans for rea

chit chat bersama Yasmin

Masa ni Yasmin demam...dia bangun kol 4 pagi nak berborak2 la plak...aduhai...layan jela...zasss...! Hehehe...

Happy MOther's Day

I 'd like to wish my beloved mom a very happy mother's day and also to all the mothers in whole wide world.......Sophea gave me a card ....a card that she drew herself. Thank you kakak.....mak sayang kakak...

New Look

Yup...I'm getting my blog a new look. A new template to be exact. Since almost everyone has changed their template so I thought why don't I get one too. I've been surfing for free templates from one web to another searching for the right one that suits me and finally I chose this one. So what do you think ? Boleh la kan... Today we went for paint hunting. Hahaha..I think hunting sounds too much because we only went to this one shop and that was it. We got the paint we want. Not only my blog got a new look I'm even thinking of getting my room a new look too. I want to paint it RED . Yes... RED ! But of course my Ayang thought that RED is too heavy for him so finally we agreed on violet..or is it maroon ? Aah...mana2 lah . Here's some pics of the kids.


Hi y'all ! Miss me? Hehehe...lama tak update blog yer? Well, bila kita berblogging ni gitula adatnyer, ada masa idea mencurah2 rajin la kita meng'update' tapi bila tader idea, nak update seminggu sekali pon payah. Well, sepanjang minggu ni tader aper yang menarik sangat yang berlaku....just normal stuffs.....everyday stuff. Cumer Yasmin la ada demam sikit. Demam dia pon On Off....kejap panas....kang sejuk....pastu nanti kang malam panas balik...gitu dah makan ubat sumer dah and rasanya dia dah fully recovered dah kot sebab since yesterday badan dia dah tak panas dah...and aktif jer dok main2 . Hari Selasa lepas Sophea balik sekolah terus cakap kat aku.." Mak, tadi kakak kena jarum !".Wah kemain lagi dia excited tu kena jarum. Owh..lupa nak bitau, kena jarum tu maksud nyer kena injection lah...kat sini memang panggil gitu. "kakak tak nangis pon mak....tapi ada kawan2 kakak yang nangis. Kena dua jarum mak...kiri dan kanan" Bagus la kakak tak nang

Oh ! No......!

Oh no! my gum is swollen. Sakit siot! Tak pernah lagi rasa gusi bengkak ni...aduhai,sakit nyer tuhan sajer yang tahu. Malam tadi pon dah telan ponsten (betul ker eja tue?) baru la bulih tido....meleleh2 air liur air mata menahan sakit. Seksa betul. So as a result today I didn't do anything. Boleh di katakan anything lah. We wanted to go to see the dentist but it turned out the clinics was closed due to public holiday....LABOUR DAY maaa.......! Even a dentist needs a break. Hehehe...but luckily my gum didn't hurt that bad so boleh tahan laa...tapi ada gak rasa macam bunga2 nak demam....aduhai, menahan sakit punya pasal. So hari ni aku tak masak pong..kemas plak sikit2 jer.....nasib baik baju yang nak di lipat pon sikit jalan2 jela kerja kami...ingat nak urut lutut tapi tak der pulak ahkak tukang urut tu, so tak jadi gak plan nak mengurut. Tukang urut lelaki ada....tapi takmo lerr...! Mana bleyy..... Dari tempat mengurut kami pegi sekolah my Ayang pastu pusing2 jel


Aku tengok blog Dalin aku rasa macam nak tukar template gak ler. Lawa template dia yg baru rasa macam malas nak menggodek2. Nantila...agak2 line clear..tak sibuk...tak bz and mood aku pon okay, nanti aku tukar lah. The truth is, aku jarang tukat template ni....rasa nyer setahun sekali kot baru aku tukar...tu pon mana yg blogger provide yang tu la aku tepek. Yang penting template tu mesti mempunyai warna yang mencucuk bijik mata, kalau bulih warna yang cool dan baik untuk orang rabun macam aku nih.


Hari tu masa my Ayang pegi Indon dia beli kan saya kain pasang,bulih la buat baju kurung. Untuk jiran2 dan kawan dia ,dia beli kan kopiah ngan key chain. Jadi la .....ole2 dari Indon. Sebelum tu masa dia pegi Terengganu dia beli keropok lekor......uish sedapnyer....bulih la jugak bagi kat jiran2 and kawan2 sikit sorang, Jadi la buat rasa2 dan tanda. Pastu dia pegi pulak ke Lahad Datu dia beli buah salak. Korang suker tak buah salak? Saya dulu tak suker buah salak...kelat...berkerut seribu muka ni kalau makan...sampai my Abah kata rugi la tak suker makan buah ntah bila saya suka plak makan buah salak skang....sedap la pulak buah salak kat sini, manis2 belaka. Masa pegi KK weekend lepas macam dia beli untuk anak2, from head to toe. Saya cumer beli kan hair band untuk semua my girls yg rambut dah bulih diikat dan sepasang anting2 perak untuk Sophea. Pastu dah balik Keningau baru la saya teringat nak beli brooch. Dah lama tak beli brooch...ingat nak beli la barang seketul d

sakit lutut.....aargghh..!

Lately I kinda tak der mood nak update blog. Though ada cerita yang nak di kongsi but, ntah.... Well, last Saturday we went to KK, pegi pon dah petang dalam kol 3 sebab pagi tu Sophea ada kem bistari solat ker aper ntah kat skolah dia sampai kol tunggu dia balik...siap2 sumer kol 3 lebih baru jalan. Kami bermalam dekat Promenade Hotel and Apartments. Ok lah...not bad la...pegi Centrepoint malam tu jalan kaki jer kami 6 beranak.....well, Aina of kos la duk dalam stroller. OOoo......I gues maybe sebab I dah lama tak jalan2 dengan bersungguh2 that's why my right knee hurts so bad kot? Hmm..... yup, my knee is aching. Sakit la....macam tersalah urat pon ada. Walaupon takder la sakit sangat sampai takleh nak jalan ke aper tapi tak selesa la...dulu2 zaman muda2 dulu my right knee tu dah pernah injured, terkehel masa training silat. Sakitnyer tuhan saja yang tahu...tambah2 plak my boyfriend (currently my hubby la) pon ngengada pon lebih laa...hahaha. Adala pergi berurut


Hehehe...tajuk kat atas tader kena mengena ngan apa2 it's just that I'm kinda lazy to update my blog, lots of idea but lack of inspiration. I slept late last night (or should I say morning?). I had a loooooooooong chat with my dearest cousin. We talked about life, how much we've grown how much we've shared things together, how much secrets we've kept between each other. When I was a kid I couldn't wait to grow up because as grown ups I could do things that I wanted to do, I wouldn't be scolded by other grown ups, I could go anywhere I liked and anywhere I wished, I could have my own job (at least I had a dream of getting myself a firm job), earn my own money , and I could whatever and however I wanted with it ! That was what I thought when I was still a little kid. And now when I'm finally a grown up myself I wished a was small kid again. Huhuhuhu....small kids no need to bother about paying the bills, fixing the lamp or the fan...or the car...all