
Happy BIrthday Najihah....!

Owh....luper plak nak update birthdays...since in July ni tak banyak yg sambut birthday in my family. Anyway...I'd like to wish my soft spoken, sweet and adorable niece, Najihah a very happy 13th birthday . Actually, her birthday was on July 31st. You are 13 girl! Dah besar dah anak sedara Che' Ja nih.I used to babysit her when she was 4 months old....while I was waiting for my SPM result. Najihah ni pandai gak.masa UPSR tahun lepas she got 5A's....and skang ni dia bajar kat mana yer? tak pasti la plak...but sebelum ni masa sekolah rendah dia bajar kat Sekolah Agama Al-Irsyad....sekolah agama swasta kat Kuantan nun. She is the eldest of 5 and anak my 3rd sister..Kak Noor. She was born in Kelantan but raised and schooling in Kuantan, Pahang. Masa dia kecik2.....menguji kesabaran betul jaga dia.....hihihi.....but as she grows up, she turned into a very nice, soft and sweet obidient girl. Oklah...kakak...Che Ja doakan semoga Kakak and berjaya in every little things you do...

My Ayang is home......*wink, wink *(blushing)

At last....he's home. I just fell asleep when I heard the phone rang and it was him calling me to unlock the gate. . When I looked up the clock it was quarter past two in the morning. It did took me a while before I could reach the gate and unlock the padlock since I had to change my sleeping attire....too sexy to be outside (eh, seksi ker I nie?)....hehehe...eventhough it was still dark. Fazmi sent him home. Thank you Fazmi for safely driving my beloved Ayang's a packet of keropok for you. Ngeh..ngeh..ngeh... We talked....until we heard the Azan Subuh....and we slept after the prayer. There were so much to many things to talk about....and so many boxes to be "treasured"...hehehe...actually there were only two boxes. Apart of his dirty clothes...Ma kirim some keropok and frozen char kuey (it's a must!) . Ayang did buy me a batik sarong , eventhough I'm not a batik sarong lover which he knows. There were also some stuffs that his friend

I'm waiting n waiting n waiting n....n....n.....zzzzz

Argghh....tak larat dah nak nak tunggu jugak....eeiiii....! Today I went to the clinic to see he doctor to have a peak on my little baby in my womb. Nor drove me there. There I met Ema, who was also having her tummy being scanned. I was worried at first since I'm stucked with Yasmin....worried if she would cry...if she would not let me being checked but everything went just fine. Yasmin was behaving very very well even if she missed her 2 o'clock nap time. Hehehe....when I was ready to be scanned the doctor even put her on the same bed with me ! And she was bubbly as ever. According to the doctor, she believed that I'm now 6 months pregnant and the baby is expected to be delivered on November 17 ! Whooo....! Tak lama dah tu... My next appoinment with the doctor will be in end of August. * commercial break * eiiii.....ring me! do ring me! ......eeiiii......bikin wa tensen laaa...... okeh...chow!

No Idea?

I feel like writing something but I don't know how and where to start....why don't I start with this....well, last nite my eldest sis- Kakak, called from Singapore.Thanks sis....we talked for almost 30 minutes I guess. We rarely see eachother because of the distance you see....but every year I'll make sure that we meet so whenever I want to book tickets to fly back to my hometown...I'll check up with her...or otherwise. So we surely will meet eachother, insyaAllah. I told her that I'm expecting my fourth child (err....have I ever mentioned that I'm currently 17 weeks pregnant? I bet I miss that ...) and her response was very supportive...and positive as usual....that made me thinking.....well, because some people are not that positive ....far from being supportive. When I told my mom that I'm pregnant (again...) she was positive too. Well, she had being pregnant for 11 times and the gap between each pregnancy was between 1-3 of course it's not

Another day to live....

Hmm.....yup....yet another day to live.....last nite my Ayang called at 1 o'clock in the morning. I was all prepared to go to the bed, had my camisole and my short on......the kids were already asleep and then I heard the phone rang and I knew it would be him. We talked for about 30 minutes or so and off I went to bed......Ayang said he won't postpone his ticket, he wants to go straight home.....well, that's a good news for me! Can't wait to see him.. It rained today....hard...fortunately after I safely sent the kids to school...otherwise.....hehehe....and I figured out something today too....Yasmin is not so keen of rains....yesterday it rained too and the sound of the heavy rain pouring over the roof woke her up and she cried....and today...she wouldn't go to sleep..not until the rain had stopped. I prepared Nasi Minyak Hujan Panas for lunch today....with Chicken Curry and "Ikan goreng"...Sophea's favourite. ...and no acar. Not enough ingredients....

Takperlah..tepek gambar ni dulu.....

Pegi tengok ayah main bola kat skolah ayah....aktiviti di hujung minggu.....hehehe.... (err..yang belakang tu Che' Yan ...)

Sedihnyerrr....... Ayang dah pon pegi Kelate this morning......sebelum dia depart tu dia sempat call from the airport, katanyer masa on the way nak ke KK tu dia muntah .....aiseh, aku dah agak dah....dia mmg tak tahan naik bas...sure muntah.....kalau dia naik keta ....taderla dia mabuk, nak2 lagi kalu dia yang drive . Sian Ayang....dah la he's not feeling well, muntah2 la plak. Jap2 lagi sampai la dia kat KLIA....flight to KB dalam kol 3.10 petang......dari KK to KL ni dia pegi sorang...tak bersama2 kontinjen Sabah yang lain...bukan apa....sebelum ni ada masalah skit....hehehe...ada la satu hamba Allah nie.....pon nak ikut jugak team Sabah ker Kelantan w/p dia tak dapat pegi sebenarnyer....alih2 dia pandai2 sendiri pegi adjust sendiri kat KK...jadik terganggu la skit urusan yang dah di buat di sini.....tu yang my Ayang punyer tiket cicir ler satu.....adjust sana...adjust last my Ayang kena fly dulu. Tak kisah la kan......but the interesting part is....the person


Entah laa....hari ni bangun tido rasa down sangat.....tak tahu kenapa....rasa tak bersemangat.....tapi kerja tetap jalan...yelah...nak wat goes on....and memang hakikatnyer kehidupan kita ni memang macam nie...ada ups and downs......ada masa kita happy...ada masa kita sedih....but at the moment memang rasa macam letih....down...down......gitulah...tader mood nak cakap..aper lagi temporary je nih.....I know myself..... :)

Letih la plak hari ni...

Hari ni rasa letih la plak....ntah la kenapa....bangun pagi wat bekpes simple2 jer utk anak2....pancake ngan madu.....pehtu kemas2..sidai baju...iron baju anak2 and my Ayang untuk seminggu...tengah hari plak masak simple jugak......sardin and telur dadar jer...hehehe...kekeringan idea..lagi pon makan sardin sekali sekala sedap jugak kan? My Ayang plak pegi skolah awal...kol 10.30 lagi dia dah pegi. Tu la orang kata...kijer cikgu ni senang......setengah hari jer..pehtu banyak cuti.....iyo lah...kalau ikut waktu rasmi memang la macam gitu tapi yang tak rasminya banyak...belum kira kerja2 luar...hari Sabtu Ahad.....sama jer ngan orang keje opis ......lagi banyak keje adala...mana nak wat tugas2 administration...mana nak ngajor...nak wat soklan..pehtu nak mark paper lagi.....adeh.....skang ni kira okay la jugak ada komputer..tinggal taip and fotostat jer....kalau dulu2 aku ingat my father wat soklan gune stensil.......pakai pen jarum tue.....tulis tangan....lukis gambarajah..pehtu nak kena

LUper nak tepek gambar nie....

Hehehe....luper nak tepek gambar ni.....hari tu ada terai buat Roti Daging Berkeju..resepi di ambil dari Forum Cari.....dah lama dah dok nak terai buat..tak jadi2...until la baru2 nie.....cuber jugak buat since bahan2 pon dah ada.....mak aii....sedap weh..! Anak2 and my Ayang pon sker makan....tak makan nasi diaorang malam tu.....kalau nak resepi nanti aku tepek kat blog resepi yerr....resepi yg sedap dan senang di buat elok di kongsi2 kan? Kalau nak resepi klik sini sedap roti nih..lain kali leh wat lagi......!

Tader Idea.....aiseh..!

Ntah ler...nak taip pasal aper yer? tader idea betul laa.....sejak dua menjak ni pon tader apa2 spesel yg berlaku (except for yesterday I got a bad news....tapi tokleh nak story laa...) . Masak pon sempoi2 jer....guner pakai jer sumber yang ada...hehehe....anak2 pon semua sihat ....Yasmin pon dah makin lajuuuu berjalan......dia cumer ada selsema jer Ayang pon sibuk jerr....tak kisah la kan... Esok ingat nak wat rendang lah....nak wat rendang daging rusa tue....ada seketul lagi kat peti ais aku nak wat semua lah. Kasi habis terus....agak2 kalau nampak cam byk sangat aku bagi la kat jiran2 skit wat rasa. Jadik la kan.....aku ni tak pandai sangat buat rendang nih sebab tu memang bukan my specialty....not even my mom sebab rendang ni bukan masakan orang Kelantan....lain la kalau Kuzi kerr....mak aiihh....sedap nyer kuzi...dah lama tak makan. oklah...memandangkan aku tak berapa nak ada idea so aku tepek gmbr la skit...alah...gambar anak2 la jugak...nak tepek gambar saper lagi k

Happy Birthday Kakak...!

Sebelum aku proceed aku nak bitau ni bukan birthday wish utk kakak aku...but utk one of my best cousins....Adrina. Dia ni kalau within our family memang sumer orang panggil dia "kakak"...yang tua ker...muda ker...makcik pakcik ..atuk nenek ker....sumer jadik adik dia...sebab dia di panggil Kakak...hehehe.....jangan marah aa... Actually birthday dia semalam....10/7 but..aku baru update hari ni...tak sempat seh semalam...err, nak mention ker birthday ke berapa nie? Alahai...u ni...macam artis la plak takmo mention umur....hehehe..tak kisah la kan..yang penting mudo lagik aper....anak pong baru dua.... So I nak wish kat u a very happy birthday...may Allah bless you always...semoga dimurah rezeki dan bahagia selalu...and kalau dah murah rezeki tu...jangan ler luper I di sini yer..? hehehe..... p.s : I cilok gambar you...bulih la yer..? ngeh ngeh ngeh.....

I've been tagged ...again!

Aiyya.....I've been tagged again by utk tidak menghampakan norf so here it goes...but I most probably won't tag anyone else in return...sebab ntah...tak tahu nak tag saper la norf.....hehehe...aci la yer? so ..currently I have three daughters.... My eldest : SOPHEA MUNIRA - She was named by my first we planned to name our first baby girl as RANI MASTURA....ntah haper2 la nak letak nama masa dah bersalin tu memang nama tu la yang melekat kat my kepala, but bila aku balik from hospital tiba my sister Ahlami told me : "Kak Ja, Abe Mokhsin suh letak nama Nur Sophea Munira pulak..." (Ami, I bet u remeber this right? ) . Aku pon cam pelik laa....lerr..dari mana plak la dia dapat nama tue....yang aku ni plak tak berapa berkenan nama yang ada "NUR" aku pon bagitahu my Ayang takyah Nur2 lah...just Sophea Munira jer...cukup. Hehehe....Aku dah lupe la aper maksud Sophea Munira, but it has something to

I'm always here...

Hai's been a while since the last time I posted.....rindu banget nak tekan2 keyboard nih, hehehe. Actually ada beberapa masalah teknikal skit with my streamyx nih so that's why la tak dapek eden nak bertenet buat beberapa ketika. But anyway, here I am.....banyak jugak things yang rasa macam nak share kat sini . First thing I noticed that I've been tagged (again!) by norf (again...)....hehehe....nanti akak update for the next entry la yer... Well, aper nak cerita yer? Hmm...skang ni dah masuk bulan Julai dah yer? Alahai...cepat nyer masa berlalu. Rasa macam baru jer masuk tahun 2007 alih2 dah separuh tahun dah pon. Hari tu we did plan to go to Kudat but unfortunately after considering a lot of things - time, budget, the car and a few other things, we decided not go ...yet. Yelah....macam tak berapa sesuai jer nak pegi masa tu....dah la my Ayang and yang lain2 tu pon baru jer habis handle pertandingan silat2 baru2 ni penat pon tak habis lagi...tido pon tak h

What a day...!

Aiseh...gue masam la plak..... Well, hari ni aku pegi tengok Pertandingan Pencak Silat Peringkat Negeri Sabah kat kompleks sukan.....aku memang plan nak pegi pong, nak2 lagi my Ayang jadik wasit so nak tgk la jugak gaya dia jadik wasit...hehehe....adoi..aku yg menengok jer ni pon penat siot! One happy family....... :D Anyway, another reason why aku nak pegi sesangat tu sebab my Ayang kata mas first day tu dia cakap dia jumper my ex-housemate - Zaitu ! Oloh laa......Zaitu, Zaitu....ngko pon ada kat Sabah ni jugak rupenyer yer? Siapa sangka....hehehe. Actually Zaitu ni bukan sekadar my x-housemate, but she was also my x- coursemate, x- roomate and silat mate...hehehe yang ni tak boleh dikira "x" la sebab we consider ourselves as a "pesilat forever" hehehe.... with Sophea yg amik gambar nie..tu la pasal kepala aku kena pancung skit....hehehe So tadi petang we met lah! Mak aaii...sudah berisi itu minah...hehehe....dulu kemain cekeding cam model...skang n

Happy Birthday Arinah...!

Errr...first and foremost Che Ja nak mintak maaf banyak2 ngan Kak Angah Arinah sebab lambat update blog Che' Ja pasal ur birthday..bukan apa.....sebab masa 21/6 ntah cemaner my PC ni ad atechnical problem that's why la terlewat skit...tak per yer least Che' Ja dah wish awal2 dekat ur Friendster....hehehe Anyway....Happy Belated Birthday to my sweet niece - 'Iffah Arinah Ibrahim, yang ke 13.....owh dah besar dah Kak Ngah rupenyer....kena la malu2 yerr....orait! Anyway...Arinah ni anak my eldest sis yang dok Singapore....dah masuk secondary school la nie....she is very sweet and talkative....pot pet pot pet.....hihihi....lawak pong ada gak.....tapi paling suker and pandai sangat melayan cousins dia yang kecik2...orang kata kalau nak mintak tolong Kak Ngah suh ngasuh kejap memang boleh di harap sangat lah! Jangan kata kejap....lama pong boleh! Errr..betul kan Kak Ngah? By the way...Che ja dah pong beli tiket balik SEmenanjung but tiket nak balik Kelat

Happy Birthday to Welloh, Lutfi and Adam

Hari ni , 20 Jun adalah birthday my brother Welloh yang ke-29 (uiii....dah tua dah awok ruper nyer!) dan juga birthday my nephews - Lutfi and Adam yang ker 7. Lorr....dah besar dah anak sedara Che' Ja ni yer....diaorang semua ni kebetulan share tarikh birthday yang sama. Macam Adam dan Lutfi tu plak memang lahir pada tarikh,hari dan tahun yang sama cumer tak silap aku Adam lahir dulu kot....?Hmmm.....tak pasti la plak. Anyway to the three of you....have a wonderful birthday ! My brother Welloh ...err...nak citer lagi ker pasal dia? Tak yah la kan...hari tu dah citer pasal dia masa dia kawin itu hari tak yah la....hihihi....cumer ni la first time dia sambut birthday with a new title - husband. Cewah...! Jadilah suami yang baik,bertanggungjawab dan penyayang...cepat2la dpat baby yerr.... Lutfi ni anak my second sister- Kak Ngoh, aku tak sempat nak bermesra2 sgt dengan dia sebab masa aku kawin tu dia kecik lagi pahtu lepas aku kawin terus aku dok Sabah ni so jarang lerr jump

Happy Father's Day....

Alamak...sorry la to all fathers in the world sebab terlambat skit wish "Selamat Hari Bapa". Ruper nyer semalam tu hari bapa....aku check2 calendar sekali tgk ruper nyer yesterday was the 3rd Saturday in June so maknanya semalam tu Father's Day la. So...untuk my Abah...Happy father's Day.....abah memang abah yang paling best dalam dunia.....nothing compares to you abah...sayang abah yang amat! Untuk My Ayang plak....Ayang, on behalf of the kids I'd like to wish you a very Happy Father's are definitely a great father to the kids....keep it that way! My Baked Penne Well, yesterday aku masak Baked Penne. Anak2 ni dok bising suh masak pasta...tu yang aku buat jugak tu. Tambah2 plak semalam masa pegi kedai yang aku selalu dok cari barang2 buat kek tu sekali tgk ada parmesan cheese, pahtu tanya plak ngan pekerja kedai tu rupernya dia irang memang jual mozarella cheese kat situ. Yang ketul2 tu lagi......nak yang besar mana? sumer ada....hehehe...murah la

Happy 20th Birthday to Amie...!

Today...16/6 is my sis' birthday - Ahlami. She's turning 20 today......hehehe...dah masuk 20 dah yer? oloh...muder lagi tuh. Kak Ja doakan all the best utk Ami and good luck sebab exam hari ni yer? Belajar molek2 yer...? My sis Ahlami ni is the 9th child in the family. Actually dia anak yang ke-10 sebenarnyer sebab before her tu my mom gave birth to my little brother - Arwah Mohd Yusoff, tapi my baby brother ni meninggal as soon as after birth. I didn't remember much sebab masa tu I was around 9 years and didn't have a chance to ask questions. Hehehe......cumer the part that I remember was that I rasa my lil' brother masa tu ada sumbing......... lorr....citer pasal Arwah Mohd Yusoff la plak...supposenyer citer pasal gap omo between Ami and Siti (my 8th sis) tu kiranya jauh laa.....6 years....jauh la tu sebab kitaorang adik beradik ni mana gap omo jauh2....sebab tu kami sumer ni rapat....Skang ni Ahlami bajar kat University of Adelaide, Aust

Lagi gambar kawing Welloh & Ida

posing ala hindustan ni wajib ada... tersenyum bahagiaaa.......hehehe.... Dah boleh peluk dah......