A Colourful Life.

I came across a post in Facebook by a male author. He kindly advised all ladies not to get married young, to get a steady career first before everything and he also said that if you choose to get married first then your life won't be as colourful as you want it to. 

Well, I do agree with him.  Mostly what he said is true. I got married quite young, at 24 of age. I got pregnant right away and already had 2 kids within 2 years of marriage. I didn't have a fancy job though I studied at a local Uni, I don't own a house under my name, or even a car. I basically have nothing. Nothing to myself, much far for others. Sounds pathetic right? And weak too.  I solely depend on my husband though I do make some money on my own but yeah ...lepas buat beli kasut run je. Haha. But I always encourage my kids to pursue whatever they want to be, to have a career, to have anything they want and wish. But you know what, that part he said " hidup mu takkan bercorak", I have to disagree with him. At least for myself, I consider my life is beautiful crafted the way I want it to be. I have wonderful kids, 6 of them to be exact, yet i got to do things that I love - hiking, running; and spend time for myself - going out with my girlfriends, lepakking at cafe enjoying my latte. And I am very thankful for that, Alhamdulillah. 

What matter is, make yourself happy. Whether ur working or not or a housewife (like me), please make urself happy, whatever happiness means to you. As long as you're happy, right? Much love to all of you. 💕


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