To Tuition or Not To Tuition?

I, personally do not agree in sending my kids as young as 7 years old (or younger!) to private tuition class. I pity to those kids who has to attend such classes only because their parents insisted to. Actually,do they really truly need to go for a tuition class? I wonder.

I ,myself never went to any private tuition class. Neither when I was 16 when I was about to sit for SRP nor when I was 18 when I was about to sit for SPM ( why I took SRP at 16 and SPM at 18? malas la nak exlain,penat dah...hehehe) . None of my siblings went to private tuition class. Actually, two of my younger sisters did attend private tuition class. Tu pon when they were already in form 3 or form 5. But, we still managed to pass the exams with flying colours, in fact 3 of my sisters received full scholarship from the government.

I think it's better to let kids be kids. Young and free. Kids nowadays start their formal education as young as 3 years old. At the age of 5 or 6 they are expected to be reading fluently. I guess it's really hard being a kid today. Parents expect great things from their kids that leave the kids with a lot of pressure to satisfy the parents.

At the moment, my eldest is 9 and she hasn't gone to any tuition class. She's doing well in school, still manage to keep the good grades and so does my second daughter. I don't see the need for my kids to take tuition . At least, for now.


sesemutku said…
yaa saya sokong! sian budak2..kecik2 otak dh nk bahagi 10...mcm2 nk kena attend...
kdg2 terpk...makpak je lelebih nk ank pandai cepat...kang sng nk crita kat the age sekian ank saya dah tere itu ini..ank awak blom? lambat nye ank awak kan? x mcm ank saya...huhuhu
FA said…
btul tuu..adek pon pnah gop tuition..tuition klas mlm yg skolah buat masa nak ambil tak bagi sgt tkot letih...lepas 2 bulan je kot, oyak ko ma...malas doh eh...xlarat..cukup la dgn kijo n abah pon sokong ..yela, tuition mmg penat!!!
Effah Mahat said…
tu la kak.. rasa macam semua bertanding2 kan ...

hmmm... sy pun antara org yg nak antar anak p skool awal2... a few months b4 la ...

then again, bila dah start spending more time with her and rethink balik... sian kat dia... not good to expect more from a 3 yrs old kid... just let her enjoy the excitement of being a kid...
Ahlami said…
i like are meant to be young and free..
i nok jadi kid sokmo lah..
young and free....hahaa

oh well..for me, homework maso nk dkt pmr and spm tu dah ckup byk dah..klu pegi tuition ado homework lagi xtahu x cekak lah..
semmut: ha..tulah,sian budak2 kan?

adek: ooo..adik tusyen 2 bulae jah ko? I ingat lamo...

effa: my kids started schooling at the age of 5, since I'm a working- at -home-mom so I guess, biarla lambat skit gi skolah,takper.

ami: see? tuition is not the main factor of one's success,it's all up to us kan?
kak, saye tak tuition smpi la saye form 3. itu pun, sebab kwn2 pergi nak suka ria. siap ponteng pastu pergi giant jalan2. hahaha...

kesimpulan, utk saye tuition tmpt suka ria..

ps: yey.jumpa blog akak..hiks.
Effah Mahat said…
sis.. got problem la.. susah tul sy nak handle temper saya kat nana. kesian kat dia.. i think i'm a very bad mother...

half of me wants her to be free and young.. another half plak mcm dia dia ikut ckp kita.. kalau dah free n young mana nak ikut.. huhu...

i m confuse mother!
he..he..he..gelak dulu cz nko dah sampai umah aku sebelum aku war war kan kat rumah nko nie...(kiut betul u nie)

aku dah calonkon utk amik award...nanti jgn lupa tawww amik award tu kat rumah aku.
pB said…
anto KUMON ,ok tak?
pB said…

boleh emailkan email add demo ke email pB

buat masa ni kawe privatekan blog kawe ...
tu hok nok invite tu

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