Happy Birthday Nin!

Super Yasmin, hehehe

Last 22nd May was Yasmin birthday. Happy 2nd birthday to Nin. You must be wondering, why we call her Nin instead if Min...well, when she younger (not that she's old now, hehehe..) and started to learn to speak , she couldn't pronounce her name properly so she ended up saying Nin which was referring to her name. So we decided to call her by that name too. Nin @ Anin.

I baked her a cake, my Ayang ordered some chicken satays and soto and we only invited our close friends. That was it.

To Nin...Mak ayang Nin yerr......Mak doakan semoga Nin akan menjadi anak yang solehah....Nin nak pegi skolah kan...tunggu la Nin besar skit okay...Nin baru jer masuk 2 tahun...when you're finally in school blajar betul2 okay..! All the best untuk Nin....

"Amat ayi adi Nin....."


Ahlami said…
comam nyo kek nin..
hoho..mak uda pn nak kek mcm tu jgk laa....mak leh tlg watkan utk mak uda x? then post to adelaide..
happy 2nd birthday nin!
mak uda ingat je birthday nin...(sebab i dah set as a birthday reminder in hp..hehe)..
tp xsmpt nk wish...
klu la mak beli kan nin hp..leh
mak uda htr SMS kt nin..haha

Adrina Adi said…
happy birthday yasmin. moga2 jadi anak solehah & berbudi pekerti mulia. insyaAllah.

nak hadiah? kena la datang subang jaya dulu, pastuh suruh mak buat kek and masak sodap2.. baru dpt hadiah. heheheheh....
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday NIN! :D
kejap jee dah 2 tahun...
ingat time2 mak nin pregnant kan nin... siap letak gambar perut kt avatar :D

Semoga yasmin jadi anak yg solehah, yg berguna dan berjaya... AMIN....
pB said…

selamat hari jadi

sedap jah napok kek tu
Mommy Lyna said…
sedap eh kek.

nin.. supo nger sepupu oram, namo dio atikah tp ms mulo2 blajar nyebut dio sebut tah. pah ke loni lekat tah.

nin, atar la sikit kek tu kok re sini huhu
Mak Ude:post ko adelaide? hmm..kulat dulu baru tahu...hehehe,alahai...Mak pon takdop henpon...ape lagi Nin...huhuhu..

Mak Long Ed : uish..payoh nyer nak dapat hadiah....hihihi...mak katamtader hal nyer kena masak pom.

Auntie Effa :tq auntie effa...nanti Nin nak pegi Labuan jumper Adleena

mokcik Pb :timo kasih mokcik Pb...kek tu meme sedap,mak wat gapo2 pong sedap...waaa.....ekekek..

auntie Lina: tengkiu jugoks..kem salam ko hafiy deh...
wanee said…
kak ja... nice job on the cake.. to nin.. happy belated bday... God bless!! *huGs + kiSses*

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