what a day

My name is Janna and I'm a mother of four aged 7,6,2 and 2 months....and owh not forget to mention...all girls. Every morning I start my day like a buzzing busy bee doing non-stop chores...with various types of "commercials" between every chores. I took the frozen fish/chickenout from the freezer before I take my bath, I bathed and dressed my two younger girls , prepared simple express breakfast -bread and milo normally for the elder girl, 6 oz formula milk for Yasmin and a mug of milo or nescafe for me. Grabbed my laundry and dry them outside under the bright sunshine. Luckily someone invented the fully automatic washing machine which made my life and most of other people's life much2 easier. Just toss all the dirty laundry into the machine before you go to bed , press the magic button ON and the next morning everything is done...tinggal sidai jer. If only there are machines that can fold your laundry automatically I'd like to have one too. Paling malas nak lipat kain....hehehe. I can't imagine how my mom had to hand wash all the laundry back then....everyday ! Tak sanggup !

Owh..back to my routine....done with the laundry (tu pon ada byk commercials...mcm Yasmin or Aina nangis...pastu Yasmin nak kuar sidai baju jugak...pahtu nangis plak sbb takut kat kucing...Mak ! Mak!) done with the vaccum...it's time to prepare lunch....tung tang...tonggang terbalik......yelled to the elder kids to take bath for the 100th of time......and then...owh..my nescafe...I forgot to drink....aiseh...minum skit....peek on Aina if she's hungry and if she is.....breastfeed her first...and then back into the kitchen......zup zap zup zap...lunch's ready "anak...mari makan..! "and while the girls (and the dad...) are enjoying their meals I prepared bekal for both Sophea n Laila....and then Yasmin pon nak bekal jugak....alahai......sophea's ready to go to school with ayah...waved them.....and now I can sit......adeh.....but of course with Aina on my lap. OWh....nasi Yasmin bertabur kat lantai....grabbed the sweeper whoosh...whoosh....siap !

Ops ! it's 1.30 p.m....get Laila ready for kindi.....zup zap zup zap....hi hi bye bye....now it's time for Yasmin and Aina to have a nap. Once there are all asleep.....haaaa......bahagianyer.....this is MY TIME......semayang zohor and after that mengadap PC laa.....if rajin I'll bake some kuih or just pisang goreng...if not.....tader laa... (but today I baked cheesecake!)

ni la ciskek yang ahkak buat....hehehe

After asar both Yasmin and Aina are awake....golek2 depan tv....5 o'clock..Laila is home...take the kids outside for main2 basikal ker...amik angin ker....by 6 o'clock btoh Sophea and Ayah are home.....

Minutes before Maghrib....masuk umah...bathed the kids...feed them....and get them (sophea n Laila ) ready for mengaji plak.....Ayah will drop them at Ustaz's house on his way to the badminton court. By 8 o'clock the girls are home.....buat homework.....main2...gaduh2...nangis...ketawa..by 10 o'clock prepared a cup of milo each...jangan luper kencing anak2.....and off to bed... so does Yasmin and Aina.....once anak2 dah tidooo...yahoooo...! it's time for mak to relax2..lepak with ayah...tgk tv....but before that..kemas2 dapur...buang sampah...rebus botol susu Yasmin...adeh...letih nyer...rasa cam nak tido jer..but...nak update blog dulu.....hehehe.


nonie said…

baca pun penat k janna... hehe tapi camna pun most mommies are superwomen kan... i bet hubbies won't be able to cope with all these chores... hehe
furghhhh...nko nie mmg superwoman ler...tabik toing..toing..kat nko ler.

tak per..u've 4 beautiful angels..will help u doing all those chores in the future.
Adrina Adi said…
so no 5 bila plak menyusul? hehe..
Mommy Lyna said…
hua hua hua

i cannot imagine la kak jaa... with this mamat pun terkejar2 cari time. huhuh.
nonie: baca pong penat yer nonie? hehehe...bila dah jadik mommmy ni kot2 mana pong kena blajar jadik superwoman...

nurul :tp aku rasa aku tak sampai lagik tahap superwoman...ngko pon aper kurangnyer...sama jer ngan akuk...mudah2an gitu la ....jgn dah besar malas la plak..hehehe

kakak: no 5? aiseh...I nak tunggu u masuk 3 dulu...hehehe..

along:hehehe...takper2...jgn la takut plok nok tmbh anok yer...bila dah ada anak 2,3 mmg otomatik kita jadik terror wat multitasking....

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