Happy Birthday Zaki !

I'd like to wish my handsome, adorable, humble, incredibly exceptional tall nephew (pergh! kembang seh!)....Ahmed Zaki Rashid a very Happy 27th birthday......eh,24......eh.....aper plak 24....14th birthday. May Allah bless you . Semoga berjaya in every good things you do.....jadilah anak yg soleh...dengar cakap mama n papa.....aiseh...cam orang tua la plak Che' Ja nih. Hihihi...

yup...he is ONLY 14 years old

Sophea with her Abang Zaki lepas cabut gigi dengan Che' Jie


ramizah said…
Thank you! I mean on zaki's behalf. He has gone to KLCC with his friends..He got a watch from his papa on his birthday :-)
Anonymous said…
betul ke 14 tahun? biar betul kak janna. hehehe...
kak ngoh : anytime...tp wish ajela...hadiah tader,hihihi...takpo la deh?

norf :yup...betul...memang dia baru 14tahun...hehehe,tak percaya?

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