Balik Kampung ( Part III )
Finally we safely arrived in Kota Bharu. We could see the water was almost every where through the plane's window. Watch out everybody...! Kota Bharu is sinking.....! Hehehe.....We spent our first night at Kak Lah's since she was the one who was able to fetch us at the airport. Ma and Abah couldn't go anywhere.....the house was surrounded with water. The next day Kakak and family arrived from Singapore. Kak Lah also had to fetch them. After preparing ourselves with suitable suits for the banjir, off we head for Ma's house. We left all of our bags at Kak Lah's since it's almost impossible to get to Ma's house with all the big luggages.
Kak Lah and Abe Miji parked their cars at Wakaf Mek Zainab ,the closest and safest spot that they could get. From there we had to many people! Old, young.... boys, girls....Some were on their way out to the town...some were on their way in, like us....some with childrens and small kids , like us too but I think no one with a small 28 day- young baby, like me ! Hahaha.....baru bersalin 28 hari dah mengharung banjir.......bukan dekat2.....ada la dalam 3km kot? Once we reached the Jambatan Sungai Keladi I could see my Abah with 3 sampans waiting for us. We continued our journey on the sampan.....lama dah tak naik perahu, as we normally call it here.
Sampai jer rumah Ma, the kids refused to get into the house. They want to mandi! Mandilah....jangan kata anak2....bapak2 pong tak sabar2 nak mandi banjir. As for main banjir for me this time.....tengok ajelah orang lain mandi banjir. Huhuhuhu....Macam ni lah orang Kelantan amnya....dan orang Penambang khususnyer....banjir is something that we're really looking forward to.....sumer pakat balik bila dengar air naik....dari Sabah (siapa tue...?hehehe...), Singapura.....Pahang (walaupun Pahang pon banjir gak) ....even my cousin yg dok KL ni sanggup suh mama dia hantar dia balik Kelate semata2 nak main air banjir! Tak sia2 mama dia htr balik kampung......Aufi dah pandai dah kemudi perahu....., barula bulih jadi Oghe Penambe....hehehe.

Kak Lah and Abe Miji parked their cars at Wakaf Mek Zainab ,the closest and safest spot that they could get. From there we had to many people! Old, young.... boys, girls....Some were on their way out to the town...some were on their way in, like us....some with childrens and small kids , like us too but I think no one with a small 28 day- young baby, like me ! Hahaha.....baru bersalin 28 hari dah mengharung banjir.......bukan dekat2.....ada la dalam 3km kot? Once we reached the Jambatan Sungai Keladi I could see my Abah with 3 sampans waiting for us. We continued our journey on the sampan.....lama dah tak naik perahu, as we normally call it here.
Sampai jer rumah Ma, the kids refused to get into the house. They want to mandi! Mandilah....jangan kata anak2....bapak2 pong tak sabar2 nak mandi banjir. As for main banjir for me this time.....tengok ajelah orang lain mandi banjir. Huhuhuhu....Macam ni lah orang Kelantan amnya....dan orang Penambang khususnyer....banjir is something that we're really looking forward to.....sumer pakat balik bila dengar air naik....dari Sabah (siapa tue...?hehehe...), Singapura.....Pahang (walaupun Pahang pon banjir gak) ....even my cousin yg dok KL ni sanggup suh mama dia hantar dia balik Kelate semata2 nak main air banjir! Tak sia2 mama dia htr balik kampung......Aufi dah pandai dah kemudi perahu....., barula bulih jadi Oghe Penambe....hehehe.
