Welcome to the World....!

I'm glad to announce that on November16, at 5.25 a.m I had safely delivered a new baby girl - Aina Rihana ....coincidently it was also on the same date as our 7th anniversary.

Welcome to the family......!

Alhamdulillah.....everything went just fine though I thought this one was kinda susah nak deliver...hehehe....even the placenta took some time to be delivered.

Yasmin's reaction? well, she was sooooooo excited to see the baby.....everytime she heard the baby's crying she would get excited too.....she would stay next to the baby whenever I'm breastfeeding her.....

I'd like to thank all the nurses at Dewan Bersalin and Maternity Ward of Hospital Keningau....they have been very helpful, supportive and kind. Thanks so much for all the wishes and prayers from friends and relatives......


congrats!..aku dpt sms fm ed pagi sabtu tu...
cumil ler yr new little princess...
chubby betul...
take care n hv a good rest.
ungu said…
tahniah kak jana....cumilnye dier....
nonie said…
congrats kak janna!!! another princess in the family... wah geramnya nengok pipi dia... rasa nak geget hehe
Ahlami said…
comey betul aina rihana niee..
supo mak uda dio lasss..
tkpo2...mak uda dh beli baju ko
aina rihana..hihi..
smua2 dpt baju..
hehehe...hrp aina rihana n kakja sihat..tunggu mak uda balik!!

Adrina Adi said…
tahniah kak ja. gurl lagi pun no problem. lepas ni leh try utk no5 ke, no 6 ke.. hehehe! jgn laju sangat, tak sempat i nak kejar. cant wait to see you soon. get well soon!
Mommy Lyna said…
mcm kak jaa la muka bb aina :D

nanti letak gamba dia bila dah besau sikit :D
Admin said…
patutla mu lamo dok online. aku pun tok ingat mu pregnant aritu lupo.. anyway, tahniah la deh. aku loni duk kijo di pasir gudang. Kijo dale IT. fuhh 1st time aku dpt kijo IT setelah 5 tahun grad. sblm ni kijo bukan dale bidang. Ni dpt la sikit pengalamae. baru sero ada guna dip n degree aku.

mari melawat http://lohgi.blogspot.com/
riko:tengkiu riko...tu la no fon yg ko bagi kat aku hari tu hilang...adeh, aku mmg nak SMs ko pong....huhuhu...

fisha : thankx fisha....!

nonie: tima kasih nonie...nonie bila nak tmbh lagik? hehehe...

mak ude: amboi..tok sabar mak ude nok balik yer? bulih baju? beh nyerr..tima kasih mak ude!

kakak:hehe...ke mana tumpahnyer kuah kalau bukan ke nasik?hehehe...tu baru 4 girls..no 5 and 6? ooo...kena tunggu dulu maa...rehat duluk...hehehe

Along : yoko along?tp tu la muko baby ni beruboh sokmo kam?

puad: ho..aku banok doh...aku annouce kot blog ni jah la...hehehe,mung kijo pasir gudang...ooo...molek la...tok balik klate ko?
Admin said…
kelate, nak kelik gok. tapi kena tunggu cuti bnayok bru best selit cuti atek. baru jadi cuti panjey

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