Happy Birthday Ayang....

Today, November 3rd, is my Ayang's birthday. It's his 31st......hmm....glad to say that you're over 30 huh...? I didn't prepare anything special since today we had Sophea's Graduation Day in the afternoon and right after that we had to rush to Kak Milah's house.....she had an Open House today. But tomorrow we'll celebrate yer...yang?

Anyway.....Ayang....I'd like you to know that I'm very lucky to be your wife......I love you so much Yang....you've done a lot for all of us......from we had nothing to at least....we do have something. I enjoy every moment being with you as your wife...your friend...your lover.....you've been an understanding, great husband to me...and loving father to the kids....

Ayang ...I appreciate every single thing that you do to me....kalau saya nak apa2....even tgh2 malam and kena pegi banyak kedai pon Ayang sanggup....hehehe....tu la yang spesel sangat pasal Ayang.


nonie said…
Happy Birthday to Ayang... eh kak janna's ayang... semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki & berbahagia selalu dengan kak janna & beautiful princesses...

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