No Idea?

I feel like writing something but I don't know how and where to start....why don't I start with this....well, last nite my eldest sis- Kakak, called from Singapore.Thanks sis....we talked for almost 30 minutes I guess. We rarely see eachother because of the distance you see....but every year I'll make sure that we meet so whenever I want to book tickets to fly back to my hometown...I'll check up with her...or otherwise. So we surely will meet eachother, insyaAllah.

I told her that I'm expecting my fourth child (err....have I ever mentioned that I'm currently 17 weeks pregnant? I bet I miss that ...) and her response was very supportive...and positive as usual....that made me thinking.....well, because some people are not that positive ....far from being supportive. When I told my mom that I'm pregnant (again...) she was positive too. Well, she had being pregnant for 11 times and the gap between each pregnancy was between 1-3 of course it's nothing unusual of being pregnant again to her.

But there are some people....that annoys me sometimes.... I mean.....when they heard the news (which normally was supposed to be "good news") and their reaction was " soon? ", or .." again? have you ever heard the phrase Family Planning?" oo please....!

Even when I was carrying my 3rd baby, who is currently 14 months young and the gap between her and her 2nd sister was 4 years and they still said it wat too early....haiyyaa! Do you want me to wait until I turn 40 before I try to concieve again? Or is it just the way they normally act whenever they heard someone is pregnant again..? I just don't understand these people and I don't see why should I ever try to understand them or make them to understand me. I just don't care ! Hah !

That's it! that is for today. Hehehe....


Helmiyani said…
tahniah!!! semoga semuanya selamat...jaga makan n diri molek2...

mulut orang mmg gitu... time tak peknen dok pakat tanya, bila nak tambah lagi? dah peknen kan dok pakat kata...lor...tambah lagi sorang?

haku pong tak paham ngan diaorang ni...
Ahlami said…
yeay2!! nk dpt ank buah baru...
nnti Mak Uda nk beli ape yer kt baby baru?? (dah plan dahh....)

nunu :tu la kan..yg susah or senang jaga pon kita jugak....

ami buat tak sabar nak jumper mak ude nih...dah plan dah nak beli aper yer? hihihi....

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