

Tidak ada yang kekal di dunia ini. Sedih dan pilu pasti ada pengakhirannya. Kasih sayang dan cinta pon ada juga yang berlalu pergi. Tiada yang kekal di dunia ini. Melainkan Allah s.w.t sahaja.

Part 2: Those were the days....

As most of you know, i just obtained my driving licence when i was already 36. Unlike others who tend to enroll for driving classes as soon as they turned 17, but not for me. I only managed to do that when i already have 4 kids. At first i thought that i would never ever get the chance to drive, ever. That i would never have my own driving licence. Hehe. I did write a few posts regarding my journey of getting my drivig licence. But at last, i made it. Before i knew how to drive i solely depended on my husband to get to places. To the grocery store, the market, clinic, well almost everywhere. My husband is an active person. He proactively involves in Silat, badminton and other sports. And being a teacher he seldomly needs to attend courses a few times a year. So sometimes he needs to be out of town for a couple days up to couple weeks. So whenever he's out of town he will make sure that i have everything i need before he leaves. From food to groceries, pocket money, etc. The a

Those Were The Days....

I miss blogging. I love blogging.  In fact, I still do. I used to blog almost every week. Sometimes every other day. This is the place where I document my daily routine , special events and memories, my ups and downs moments , photos. I already have this blog for 11years! You can check out my first entry Yup!11 years. You read it right. I used to change its template and layout annually. Now not anymore. I've kept this template for 4,5 years, I suppose? ? But for the past 3,4 years I tend to update my blog very seldom. Though I have a lot of stories and ideas but I never push myself to update any. This does not happen to only me, but also to my other blogger  friends.  They too have slowed down. And some even had put it to a stop. * sigh. But I still want to keep it. I love it when my kids would read all my previous entries which most are about them. Hehe. Those were the days.

Dari Dapur Janna : Red Velvet Cake Recipe ( with frosting)

Assalamualaikum semua.  Saya sebenarnya nak bayar hutang ni. Hutang resepi. Hehe. Ramai yang minta resepi dengan saya..macam2...ada yang nak resepi kek..resepi lauk pauk...tapi saya belum juga update. So hari ni saya nak update satu resepi yang di minta oleh sahabat saya Glenys. She requesetd for Red Velvet Cake recipe. So this is for you Glen ! RED VELVET CAKE Bahan2 untuk kek : 250g gula ( saya guna gula pasir biasa je) 150g butter sedikit esen vanilla. 2 biji telur gred B atau pon A 270g tepung naik sendiri ( saya guna tepung bluekey) 2 sudu besar serbuk koko (campur keduanya dan ayak)                                         250ml @ 1 cawan buttermilk 2 sudu kecil pewarna merah cerah (campur keduanya dan kacau rata) 1sudu teh soda bikarbonat 1 sudu besar cuka Cara2: - putar gula dan butter bersama esen vanilla sehingga gebu,creamy dan warnanya kuning pucat. - kemudian masukkan telur. Putar lagi hingga sebati - Selepas itu masukkan tepung + serbuk koko

Faces of Aileen.....

Saja2 la ni nak upload gambar2 Aileen.... Semalam Aileen genap 3bulan...and dah pandai meniarap....alhamdulillah....pegi klinik untuk check up..kena cucuk...tapi nangis kejap je....hehehe...