Happy Birthday Kak Ngoh Run!

Tengah tunggu Farhana Noor habis lari. Nak tumpang balik. Haha. Lari di Bataras ni best jugak sbb flat je. Cuma bila dah siap tak best sangat kalau nak membawang. ðŸ¤. Kan Saliza Binti Abu Sairin , Mizah Hashim , Nur Tieya , Azzi EMa , Nurul Nsf . Sini meriah. Ramai regular runners. But ada 2 orang regular runners je yang mak pasti akan bertegur sama ada say Hi atau just angkat tangan, yang mak tak pernah kenal sebelum ni. One is this energetic young chinese lady who would never fail to greet me good morning everytime we bumped into each other. She runs fast. Laju je dia lari. The other one is this indian guy. We would say hi to each other by raising our hands. I am positively sure he is a doctor sbb pernah ternampak dia hantar anak dia pegi sekolah Pasir Puteh wearing scrubs. Hehe. Nanti mak nak selfie with these people. And to other runners whom we regularly bumped into each other..jangan malu2 nak say Hi to me okay? It's really nic...