
Showing posts with the label birthdays


New member of the family...Muaz. I'd like to congratulate my sister Jie and her husband Azmin, for their new born son.....err..nama tak tahu lagi la plak...She has safely delivered her baby boy at 12.50 a.m. on 24 April at Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II, Kota Bharu. This little new fella is my parents' 20th grandchild and I'm still waiting for Jie to send a MMS of my new nephew's photo. Cepat lah Jie ! Nak tengok your baby ikut muka siapa...hehehe.... Congrats again and welcome to the club ! Hehehe......

Happy Birthday Adik

I'd like to wish my littlest sister Fatien Adibah Wan Muhammad ...a very happy 20th birthday. Oloh dik....20 doh dik. My sister ni is our adik bongsu....on this day....20 years ago my mother gave birth to her at Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II (previously known as Hospital Besar Kota Bharu) through c- section sebab my sister ni takmo dok leklok dalam perut my mom...nak dok songsang...kaki bawah....and since my mother pon was already 40 at that c-section is the best solution. When she was a toddler..dia lambat cakap, at the age of 2 pon she couldn't utter a word..cuma bulih sebut "Ma" late grandmother dah risau day...dia telah mula bercakap, and since then she couldn't stop talking,hahahaha.....laju plak tu kalau bercakap, sampai kadang2 terbelit2,ekekekeke. Klakar la Adik nih. Kami adik beradik memang panggey dia Adik jer....while anak2 sedara panggey dia "Che Adik"....when she had her first niece at the age of

Happy Birthday Jie

Today is my sister's 29th birthday.....Jie....she's expecting to deliver a baby in April. To Jie...all the best to you...may happiness....wealth and good health and a lot more to come......

Miss me?

Hehehe...ada orang rindukan saya tak? ekekeke...owh...seronok nyer biler dapat online. I'm now at my beloved kampung....suker, suker. We left Keningau around 8 a.m. last 17/11 and safely arrived Kota Bharu around 8 p.m. Owh giler penat...sehari suntuk travel. Anak2 sumer okay..cumer Yasmin la.....nangis2 takmo naik flight and tak mau pakai seat belt, hadoi....melalak2 masa take off and landing suh bukak seat belt. Siap cakap kat Ayanh dia nak balik rumah kat Keningau, akakaka....sabor jelah. Kepada penumpang2 flight MH 069 dan MH 1402....maaf la yer, anak saya melalak2. Tp kejap je la..masa kena pakai seat belt jelah...bila dah boleh bukak seat belt elok jer dia....nak2 bila dapat makan, hehehe. Aina jugak la yang berjurus jer. Tak wat hal langsung. Makan bubur nasik habis licin,hehehe. Kat Kota Bharu ni asyik hujan jer...kalau tak hujan pon redup jer, matahari pon malu2 nak keluar, sidai baju pon payah nyer nak kering.....tu yang timbul proposal nak beli dryer nih...hehehe...bukan

Happy Birthday Ayang...!

Today is my husband's 32nd birthday. Happy Birthday Ayang. We only went to KFC to celebrate and I also had baked a cheesecake during the day. My husband enjoys cheesecakes very much (and me too!). And that was it. Hehehe.... My husband is the 3rd child in his family and to me he is a very special person. He is a loving father to my kids and definitely a loving husband and life partner to me. If my husband wasn't meant to be a teacher, I think he definitely no doubt would be a successful manager because he is responsible and really good in managing things and tasks. Unlike me who tends to run from problems, he tackles it and settles them. My husband is not fussy about food he eats almost anything that tastes good, asian, western, chinese, indian.... Hehehe....he loves seafood very much and luckily we are here in Sabah ...the seafood heaven, a perfect place for someone like him. My Ayang loves sport, all kinds of, tennis, wrestling, martial arts, rally car, F1

Happy Birthday Laila a.k.a Angah

err...mind the hair... This entry is special for my 2nd princess, Laila Amani. She has turned 6 last 26 October. Sorry Angah for the late's merely because we went to KK on that day so I didn't have the chance to get myself online. We bought her a cake and celebrated it at 1Borneo, hehehe.....we took her to this playland for kids which they called Boo Boo Land and let the birthday girl enjoyed herself. Jadi laa.....hehehe. I was pregnant with Laila when I was only 26,I didn't have any problems until it came to my 40th week of pregnancy ,the doctor told me that my baby was in a breech position and since I was also over due and he also strongly believed that the chances for my baby to turn into normal position is very low so he advised me to go for a c-section. I agreed. I was supposed to admit myself to the hospital on the Wednesday(23/10/02) but I only went on Friday (25/10/02), I was scheduled to undergo the c-section on Tuesday.....but the doctor pr

Owh school holiday.....

Owh..sungguh tak besh cuti skolah kali nie, dah la tak dapat nak berjalan ke mana2, kanak2 ribena tu pulak bermaharajalela kat umah nie....adoi..siap tag team lagi melawan aku...kalah eden....tambah2 lagi....with no husband around. Jadi "ibu tinggal" la aku....hahaha. My husband is away to Klang for a silat tournament dan memandangkan tournament tu di buat dekat his hometown so he grabs the chance untuk balik rumah mak dia jap.......and he'll only be back in Keningau on Saturday. Huhuhuhu...lambat nyer. Last 18/8 was Sophea's 7th birthday. She had requested for a Power Puff Girls cake so....PPG it was. Owh punyer la lenguh tangan nak melukis atas kek...nak mewarna lagi...dia plak request suh lukis tiga2 (ekor?) orang PPG tu la..anak punyer pasal buat la jugak. We just celebrated the day among us only. Sophea had made a list of things that she would like to have as birthday present but we decided to buy one item of the things in the l

Well, was my birthday

I baked and decorated my own birthday cake Yup, it was my 32nd birthday last August,9. Alahai...dah makin tua dah aku..anak pon dah 4, hehehe. Mana ada tua sangat ...masih boleh beranak lagi kan. Anyway, masa on my birthday tu my Ayang pegi KK, nak servis keta so he wasn't home lah. Kebetulan ada a friend of mine mintak tolong buatkan kek untuk birthday party anaknyer, so aku pon wat la kek sebijik untuk aku. Petang tu lepas Asar terus gerak ke rumah my fren tu utk majlis tu la. Pastu aku pon bisik la kat my fren -Sah, ...actually..hari ni birthday aku...waaa...terus dia wat announcement kat sumer ...adoi..! Malu gue.....hihihi. Sah buat laksa penang hari tu...oowh..sedapnyer laksa penang..tak puas aku makan.Siap tapau lagik,hihihi. nila hadiah nyer....:) Aku ingat my Ayang dah luper dah my sebenarnyer dia tak luper pong..dia ingat....sajer jer tak wish kat aku awal2 katanya. So lepas dah balik dari rumah Sah tu, dia pon bagila present kat aku......hehehe...A body Sh

Happy Birthday Nin!

Super Yasmin, hehehe Last 22nd May was Yasmin birthday. Happy 2nd birthday to Nin. You must be wondering, why we call her Nin instead if Min...well, when she younger (not that she's old now, hehehe..) and started to learn to speak , she couldn't pronounce her name properly so she ended up saying Nin which was referring to her name. So we decided to call her by that name too. Nin @ Anin. I baked her a cake, my Ayang ordered some chicken satays and soto and we only invited our close friends. That was it. To Nin...Mak ayang Nin yerr......Mak doakan semoga Nin akan menjadi anak yang solehah....Nin nak pegi skolah kan...tunggu la Nin besar skit okay...Nin baru jer masuk 2 tahun...when you're finally in school blajar betul2 okay..! All the best untuk Nin.... "Amat ayi adi Nin....."

Happy Birthday to MASA.....hehehe

I'm sorry for the delay to inform that we have just got another new member of the family. Though both parents have just being in our family for less than two years but they have been a wonderful company to all of us..especially for my Abah. I'd like to welcome the latest member of our family who was born on 22nd of January 2008 - Masa, son of Saat and Ketika . Saat is indeed a very proud father since he had the chance to witness the birth of his first offspring from the very beginning to the end. Ketika is reported to be in an excellent condition and so does the "baby boy". He (the baby) managed to make his first step just minutes after being delivered which is a good sign. This is the photo of Masa in attempt to make his first step. Masa bin Saat Ketika is encouraging her son to make his first step. "Come on can do it....."

Happy Belated Birthday to Wafi!

First and foremost I'd like to apologize to my handsome and honest nephew.. Wafi a.k.a Angah for this belated birthday wish.....Sowiiii yer think I forgot? Nope...I never forget la.... So...Happy belated 12th birhtday to Ahmed Wafi Rashid which was celebrated on the 7th February......may Allah bless you always and good luck for your upcoming UPSR.....jadilah anak yang soleh....okay!

Happy Birthday Zaki !

I'd like to wish my handsome, adorable, humble, incredibly exceptional tall nephew (pergh! kembang seh!).... Ahmed Zaki Rashid a very Happy 27th, 24 plak 24.... 14th birthday . May Allah bless you . Semoga berjaya in every good things you do.....jadilah anak yg soleh...dengar cakap mama n orang tua la plak Che' Ja nih. Hihihi... yup...he is ONLY 14 years old Sophea with her Abang Zaki lepas cabut gigi dengan Che' Jie

Welcome to the World....!

I'm glad to announce that on November16, at 5.25 a.m I had safely delivered a new baby girl - Aina Rihana ....coincidently it was also on the same date as our 7th anniversary. Welcome to the family......! Alhamdulillah.....everything went just fine though I thought this one was kinda susah nak deliver...hehehe....even the placenta took some time to be delivered. Yasmin's reaction? well, she was sooooooo excited to see the baby.....everytime she heard the baby's crying she would get excited too.....she would stay next to the baby whenever I'm breastfeeding her..... I'd like to thank all the nurses at Dewan Bersalin and Maternity Ward of Hospital Keningau.. ..they have been very helpful, supportive and kind. Thanks so much for all the wishes and prayers from friends and relatives......

Happy Birthday Ayang....

Today, November 3rd, is my Ayang's birthday. It's his 31st......hmm....glad to say that you're over 30 huh...? I didn't prepare anything special since today we had Sophea's Graduation Day in the afternoon and right after that we had to rush to Kak Milah's house.....she had an Open House today. But tomorrow we'll celebrate yer...yang? Anyway.....Ayang....I'd like you to know that I'm very lucky to be your wife......I love you so much've done a lot for all of us......from we had nothing to at least....we do have something. I enjoy every moment being with you as your wife...your friend...your've been an understanding, great husband to me...and loving father to the kids.... Ayang ...I appreciate every single thing that you do to me....kalau saya nak apa2....even tgh2 malam and kena pegi banyak kedai pon Ayang sanggup....hehehe....tu la yang spesel sangat pasal Ayang.

Happy Birthday Angah. a.k.a Laila Amani...!

Alahai....macam mana bulih almost terluper birthday anak mak sorang nieh....actually today is Laila's 5th birthday......dah besar dah anak mak ni yerr.....dah tadika dah pong kan? Angah, mak bukan luper la ngah...mak mesti ingat punyer! Untuk Angah...mak doakan semoga Angah akan jadi anak yang baik...yang solehah....yang rajin and hormat ibu bapa dan orang tua.....Angah dah pong pandai naik basikal tayar dua kan? Cayalah Angah...! Angah ni dulu lahir kuar kaki dulu....songsang....orang lain kuar kepala dulu dia nak kuar kaki dulu....mana2 lah Ngah....asal Angah sihat.... Oopppsss......! Angah ni kalau kat rumah mcm manja skit....selalu jer kena kacau dengan Yasmin...paastu nangis....hahaha...terbalik la plak, bukan Angah yang kacau Yasmin. Tapi kalau kat sekolah ker..kat mana2 ker....Angah tader plak manja2 or mudah nangis kan? elok jer kan? Oklah...nanti besok kita gi makan2 yer.....kita beli kek orait! Apa2 hal pong..mak and ayah sayang sangat kat Angah.....Angah ni mmg sweet....

Happy 50th Merdeka Day....

Today, 31st August 2007 marks the 50th celebration of independence of Malaysia....may Allah bless all of us...good fellow of Malaysians. I spent my Merdeka Holiday in the kitchen....hehehe.

Happy 6th Birthday to my dear daughter...Sophea!

Sophea Munira Mokhsin, 6 years. Yesterday, 18th August is my eldest daughter's birthday. She has turned 6 ! She had requested a heart shaped cake from me months ago for her birthday......but since I haven't bought the heart shaped cake tin, so I couldn't bake her any cake. Huhuhu...sian anak mak... but, thank god Ayah had a surprise for her. He bought her a heart shaped birthday cake and she was very delighted to see the cake. "macam mana ayah tahu kakak nak cake yang macam nie? " .....hehehe....."Ayah tahu laa...ayah mestila tahu..."Ayah replied....well, if it wasn't mak who told ayah , of course ayah wouldn't have a clue. Sponge cake jerr...tak sempat nak tempah kek besh2.... mind the hair okay....hehehe... And today, we went out for lunch, went groceries shopping....went to the furniture shop.... cuci mata... it's been a while since the last time we visited the furniture shop ...hehehe....Ayang had been very2 busy even on weekends :( whic

Cerita Hari Ini...

This morning, I woke up with no spirit.....I did spend a few minutes before I could ever really get up and head to the toilet. I wished I could stay on bed all day long..(do I really want that? actually, nope ) . But lots of chores are waiting for me as usual. The kids woke up earlier than me....even Yasmin woke up hours before me...hehehe. I took her down the bed and continued with my sleep....hahaha. Ape punyer mak laa.... I didn't feel like talking to anybody....I hardly open my mouth...I was supposed to be happy today but I didn't . I just carried on with my non-stop chores. Breakfast for the girls, the laundry , the kitchen and then Yasmin pooped so I had to settle her first before I could proceed with my other stuff . I wanted to prepare something special like Biryani ker...Nasi Tomato kerr.. for lunch today but.......since I glued both my lips so I just cancelled it. Lain kali laa...tader mood la pulak. I kept feeling down till late afternoon ..... I surfed for job v

Happy BIrthday Najihah....!

Owh....luper plak nak update birthdays...since in July ni tak banyak yg sambut birthday in my family. Anyway...I'd like to wish my soft spoken, sweet and adorable niece, Najihah a very happy 13th birthday . Actually, her birthday was on July 31st. You are 13 girl! Dah besar dah anak sedara Che' Ja nih.I used to babysit her when she was 4 months old....while I was waiting for my SPM result. Najihah ni pandai gak.masa UPSR tahun lepas she got 5A's....and skang ni dia bajar kat mana yer? tak pasti la plak...but sebelum ni masa sekolah rendah dia bajar kat Sekolah Agama Al-Irsyad....sekolah agama swasta kat Kuantan nun. She is the eldest of 5 and anak my 3rd sister..Kak Noor. She was born in Kelantan but raised and schooling in Kuantan, Pahang. Masa dia kecik2.....menguji kesabaran betul jaga dia.....hihihi.....but as she grows up, she turned into a very nice, soft and sweet obidient girl. Oklah...kakak...Che Ja doakan semoga Kakak and berjaya in every little things you do...

Happy Birthday Kakak...!

Sebelum aku proceed aku nak bitau ni bukan birthday wish utk kakak aku...but utk one of my best cousins....Adrina. Dia ni kalau within our family memang sumer orang panggil dia "kakak"...yang tua ker...muda ker...makcik pakcik ..atuk nenek ker....sumer jadik adik dia...sebab dia di panggil Kakak...hehehe.....jangan marah aa... Actually birthday dia semalam....10/7 but..aku baru update hari ni...tak sempat seh semalam...err, nak mention ker birthday ke berapa nie? Alahai...u ni...macam artis la plak takmo mention umur....hehehe..tak kisah la kan..yang penting mudo lagik aper....anak pong baru dua.... So I nak wish kat u a very happy birthday...may Allah bless you always...semoga dimurah rezeki dan bahagia selalu...and kalau dah murah rezeki tu...jangan ler luper I di sini yer..? hehehe..... p.s : I cilok gambar you...bulih la yer..? ngeh ngeh ngeh.....