Happy Birthday Laila a.k.a Angah

err...mind the hair...

This entry is special for my 2nd princess, Laila Amani. She has turned 6 last 26 October. Sorry Angah for the late entry....it's merely because we went to KK on that day so I didn't have the chance to get myself online. We bought her a cake and celebrated it at 1Borneo, hehehe.....we took her to this playland for kids which they called Boo Boo Land and let the birthday girl enjoyed herself. Jadi laa.....hehehe.

I was pregnant with Laila when I was only 26,I didn't have any problems until it came to my 40th week of pregnancy ,the doctor told me that my baby was in a breech position and since I was also over due and he also strongly believed that the chances for my baby to turn into normal position is very low so he advised me to go for a c-section. I agreed. I was supposed to admit myself to the hospital on the Wednesday(23/10/02) but I only went on Friday (25/10/02),hehehe....so I was scheduled to undergo the c-section on Tuesday.....but the doctor predicted that my baby wouldn't wait that long....hehehe.

The next morning I started to have this weird and uncomfortable feelings in my belly, but I doubted that it was labour pain since it felt different compared to what I experienced when I was about to deliver Sophea before. So I just ignored it. Until a couple hours later when the pain was getting stronger and stronger only then I was convinced that it was indeed labour pain but I still didn't call the nurse since I want to wait for my husband. When my husband had finally come, I told him that I was struggling with the labour pain and he called the nurse but before the nurse could ever reach my bed I felt this strong urge to "kentut".....hehehe so I just let myself to fart and then I heard this POP sound and then buuusssshhh.....came out the water just like a broken dam.....I just broke my water bag ! I was immediately rushed into the labour room and I was fully diluted , 10cm.

As I was laying on the bed I could see this one nurse was making a phone call but I couldn't really hear her conversation...at this moment I could hardly feel the pain anymore, all my attentions was on the nurses....running here and there , preparing all the tools and instruments and myself for an emergency c-section. I had to sign this release form for the operation. Seriously...I didn't remember feeling any pain at all. A few second later came an Indian doctor, she checked my "jalan" and then she confidently told me...." okay, jangan risau..awak tak payah buat c-section, awak boleh bersalin biasa...saya tolong" ....I wasn't' sure if I was happy, relief or worried when she told me that...but all I know was that, I trusted her. So when I felt the contraction I started pushing ,the doctor ,the nurses and another doctor who came to watch were very supportive and cheering me like cheerleaders "Ya...lagi ! lagi ! Bagus..!Bagus! "...hehehe. I also could see the doctor who was handling me was holding my baby's legs.....owh..that's my baby's leg, I thought. As soon as my baby is fully out, I was so relieved but the nurses didn't let me see the baby first. They took my baby into a special care to check if there was any complications since it was an assisted breech delivery . Owh..and I only had a few stitches, hehehe.

I was warded to the maternity ward and my husband was already waiting for me with our eldest daughter, Sophea. I could only see my newborn a couple hours later.She was so small and only weighed 2.95kg. We did took some time naming her.....and at last I chose for LAILA and my Ayang decided to go with AMANI....jadi la.. LAILA AMANI....a proud breech born girl.....hehehe, if she met new friends she would ask this..." Awak lahir dulu keluar kepala ke kaki dulu? saya keluar kaki dulu..." hehehe.....

Angah and sisters


nonie said…
Happy Birthday Laila... semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki & jadi anak yg solehah... org kata anak lahir sonsang ni special... hehe untung kak janna :)
Ahlami said…
funny as the way she is..he3...
dgn mak uda dia pon tnya mcm tu jgk..
mak ude kuar kaki dlu ke kepala dlu?
happy birthday again!
klu ade rezeki, insyaallah..
nnti mak uda wt blk hadiah utk angah..hehe....okiess..

mak uda/amie
Capik said…

Happy BEfday yurppp

Kalu samo befday ngan ambo,buleh celeb skali...heheheheh
Mrs Hardlena said…
waaa.. nape x bgtau bzday laila 26 tu klu x ble celebrate skali ngan nasya tau. prezen pun x de la sbb auntie x tau bzday nasya. apa la ibu ni x inform auntie awal2 kan.. :p apa2 pun i wished u happy birthday laila.. semoga panjang umur murah rezeki dan jadi anak yang baik kay.. :)
Happy 6th Besday to Laila Amani..
26thn anak ke-2 dah.. sy baghu deliver to my 1st preciuos!

Songsang erk..? takut-lah dgr.. Alhamdulillah 3A sumer normal and mudah. Janna, sy rase maybe Allah perkenan-kan doa awak spy bb kuar `normal' even breech!
mamamia said…
happy birthday laila... moga laila akan jadi anak yg soleh n dapat banggakan ayah n mak ok.. jgn nakal2 tau....
nonie: tq auntie nonie, anak yg lahir songsang ni spesel yer..? hmmm...org kata leh jadi bomoh yeker?ekekeke..

ami: tu la anok sedaro awok..angah kata nak hadiah dinner set corelle, ekekeke.....

alexi: hmm...takpow...kalu nok celebrate sekali pong bulih...w/p tok samo tarikh besday...hehehe

Alin: hehehe,takkan la nak bitau plak kot, malu laa...maknyer la yg malu, hehehe..anyway, thanx for the wish...and also for your hopitality

Nur: tengkiu Nur....takut yer songsang? hehehe, saya pong takut gak, tp tgk doktor ti konfiden, saya pong konfiden la teran. :D

Iena: tima kasih banyak2 auntie iena...
NikNor said…
happy b'day laila...jadilah anak yang solehah...oh,. keluar kaki dulu ek.. boleh pulak normal tu,.. syabas kak janna..
Adriyati Adi said…
dah besar dah anak kak ja. balik setahun sekali, tau2 dah umur 6 tahun.
Happy Birthday laila
Nor:tengkiu nor....tu lah, kak jana meme lega sesangat bila tak payah operate...kak jana pong rasa bangga la jugok dpt bersalin anak songsang...hehehe.

Yati: tu lah,pt balik setahun sekali pon dah syukur dah ti...dah besau dah pong....rasa cam baru jer lagi bersalin, hehehe.

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