Happy 6th Birthday to my dear daughter...Sophea!

Sophea Munira Mokhsin, 6 years.

Yesterday, 18th August is my eldest daughter's birthday. She has turned 6 ! She had requested a heart shaped cake from me months ago for her birthday......but since I haven't bought the heart shaped cake tin, so I couldn't bake her any cake. Huhuhu...sian anak mak...but, thank god Ayah had a surprise for her. He bought her a heart shaped birthday cake and she was very delighted to see the cake. "macam mana ayah tahu kakak nak cake yang macam nie? " .....hehehe....."Ayah tahu laa...ayah mestila tahu..."Ayah replied....well, if it wasn't mak who told ayah , of course ayah wouldn't have a clue.

Sponge cake jerr...tak sempat nak tempah kek besh2....

mind the hair okay....hehehe...

And today, we went out for lunch, went groceries shopping....went to the furniture shop....cuci mata...it's been a while since the last time we visited the furniture shop ...hehehe....Ayang had been very2 busy even on weekends :( which I hate so much! but I never complained......tried to be a good wife who never complained.....I wanted to but I knew he knows.....he knows. So I just keep it to myself. I've told him...but well, you know...it worked, but just for a while.But at least he made it up today....see? It's not that hard to make me happy .

Well, these are some photos of Sophea's cake ....and things that we had today...and yesterday. To Kakak...I wish you all the best....I love so much! MMuaaaah!

Udang masak gulai darat...(biar org adelaide meleleh air liurr....hihihi)

sambal tumbuk...firstime buat, sedap!

Buah buahan....kids' favourite!


Ahlami said…
kakja...ni dh thp kronik dh saye nie..sedap gile gulai udang tuee..

and happy birthday to kakak sophea!
nnti mak uda wt blk present from Adelaide...heh3..
nonie said…
happy birthday kakak sophea... semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki & happy selalu!!!
iena hamdi said…
heheheh besar dah anak dara akak yer... tak lama lagi buleh la dapat menantu pulak.... heheheheheheh. Moga sophea akan menjadi anak solehah n berjaya di dunia n akhirat... ada jodoh..insyaallah kita leh jumpa one find day... nak wat menantu tak leh.. anak bujang untie blm ckp umur... heheheh
hepi belated besday to Sophea...study rajin2 tau..fm ~autie riko~

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