

Gambar ini di tepek sekadar utk membuatkan orang yg berkenaan berasa bertambah2 tidak sabar nak balik kampung.....hahaha.....espcially to those in Kapit, Miri, Sarawak.....Adelaide, Brisbane, Australia....Sendai, Japan....and sesiapa sahaja.....muahahahaaaaaaaa....! Sambal Sotong Rendang Ayam Ketupat Sotong...

At last..the tooth has gone too....

Not mine..but Sophea's. She just lost another tooth today. What about mine? Errr....can we talk about something else? *big grin*. little girl is growing up.... tader dah gigi dua batang.... Anyway, yesterday Ayang spent the whole day with the morning we went for breakfast....I got the chance to go to the baking shop.....bought some mozarella cheese.... wajib ada ni kat umah.... we sent the kids to their kindie.....and then we went curtain shopping, not only for Hari Raya but for the next couple years. Since we moved into this house 2 years ago, the curtains that we hang are the only curtains that we own. we decided that it is time for us to get a new one. But only for the main door- the sliding door. Now , all I need to do is to find someone who can sew the curtain. Huh..if only I knew how to sew.....( yelah tue....) . I just can't wait to see how it would look when I hang 'em. This time it will match our sofa color and also the r

Happy 50th Merdeka Day....

Today, 31st August 2007 marks the 50th celebration of independence of Malaysia....may Allah bless all of us...good fellow of Malaysians. I spent my Merdeka Holiday in the kitchen....hehehe.

Adui mak sakit...mak adui mak sakitnyerr...!

Huhuhuhuuuu (cry )...let me start with that phrase. Last night I had toothache! *cried* ( mcm budak kecik jer sakit gigi ...) . It's been ages since the last time I had toothache ....and ages since the last time I've ever seen a dentist.'s my upper tooth , I had been planning of seeing a dentist once I've noticed that my upper tooth has a small hole. But you a small kid, a trip to the dentist has always been my greatest fear - even though my own sister is a dentist! Eiii .. takutnyer jumper dentist. I need A LOT of guts before I could ever set my foot into the clinic. I thought I could release the ache by brushing my teeth but it didn't go away. I tried to channel my concentration by watching tv with the hope that I would forget about the tooth, but it didn't work either. At last, I couldn't take it anymore.......I reached the phone and start dialling my Ayang's number. Once I heard his voice through the pho


It wasn't even past 12 in the afternoon yet but I've already feeling restless. Nothing extraordinary just doing house chores as usual but the tiredness seems unusual. Hehehe...My Ayang is not home again, he's in Kudat for a badminton tournament.....arrgghh.....boring.....the school break has come to the end and during the whole break...we didn't go anywhere.... .balik2 pusing Keningau sajer .....I noticed almost all of my neighbours aren't home. 3 doors to the left.....another 3 up front. Cuti- cuti Malaysia.....Good for them. Ingatkan cuti skolah ni boleh la gi KK ...but unfortunately tak jadik. ..I lost count how many times we had to cancel our trip to KK. Malas dah .... :( The water supply is off today, again (lately, kerap betul tader air on weekends ! ) . So I decided to prepare burgers for lunch today. Much easier and convinient. If only we had Pizza Hut Delivery here in would be much2 better. Hehehehe....Yesterday I tried a new recipe - Ayam

Happy 6th Birthday to my dear daughter...Sophea!

Sophea Munira Mokhsin, 6 years. Yesterday, 18th August is my eldest daughter's birthday. She has turned 6 ! She had requested a heart shaped cake from me months ago for her birthday......but since I haven't bought the heart shaped cake tin, so I couldn't bake her any cake. Huhuhu...sian anak mak... but, thank god Ayah had a surprise for her. He bought her a heart shaped birthday cake and she was very delighted to see the cake. "macam mana ayah tahu kakak nak cake yang macam nie? " .....hehehe....."Ayah tahu laa...ayah mestila tahu..."Ayah replied....well, if it wasn't mak who told ayah , of course ayah wouldn't have a clue. Sponge cake jerr...tak sempat nak tempah kek besh2.... mind the hair okay....hehehe... And today, we went out for lunch, went groceries shopping....went to the furniture shop.... cuci mata... it's been a while since the last time we visited the furniture shop ...hehehe....Ayang had been very2 busy even on weekends :( whic

Menjamu Mata

Ikan Kerapu Kukus Ayam Madu with Nasi Ayam (gambar nasi tak amik) Seri Kaya.... I don't really know what to write so I guess by uploading some photos will do too. Besides, a photo worth more than a thousand words.....hehehe....but these are photos of my menu for the week that I managed to have a snap. Not much....

What a hot, hot ,hot day !

It was extremely hot lately. I had to treat myself with cold drinks everyday which I rarely do. But, even with icy cold drinks couldn't take the heat away......... I went to the clinic today for my regular check up. Yasmin weighs 8kg now! Yeayy...... ada improvement. Ayang tapau me Nasi Goreng Kampung for lunch since he knew that we wouldn't be able to be home by lunch time. Yesterday we had Kari Kepala Ikan for lunch (again?) . ...and what's for dinner tonight? I haven't decided yet.....actually , there's nothing much to tell since I'm kinda sleepy...maybe I should take a nap a minute or two. Anyway....some photos to share... sessi rehersal bergambar untuk hari lah... Gotcha!...hehehe.

Cerita Hari Ini...

This morning, I woke up with no spirit.....I did spend a few minutes before I could ever really get up and head to the toilet. I wished I could stay on bed all day long..(do I really want that? actually, nope ) . But lots of chores are waiting for me as usual. The kids woke up earlier than me....even Yasmin woke up hours before me...hehehe. I took her down the bed and continued with my sleep....hahaha. Ape punyer mak laa.... I didn't feel like talking to anybody....I hardly open my mouth...I was supposed to be happy today but I didn't . I just carried on with my non-stop chores. Breakfast for the girls, the laundry , the kitchen and then Yasmin pooped so I had to settle her first before I could proceed with my other stuff . I wanted to prepare something special like Biryani ker...Nasi Tomato kerr.. for lunch today but.......since I glued both my lips so I just cancelled it. Lain kali laa...tader mood la pulak. I kept feeling down till late afternoon ..... I surfed for job v


Nak gambar mak nyer? ni gambar maknyerr...hehehe Ayah at school........ Alamak! Terpejam la plak..... My eldest anak dara sunti......hehehe Ni Laila....ligat nih....nak wat cemaner..bersalin dia kuar kaki dulu....


This is the worst weekend I've ever had and most probably the worst day of the week! It's Saturday and there's no water supply, no electricity, no car and even husband! What could be worst than that? First it was the car. It broke down when we were about to go home after a picnic at Pamilan last Sunday. Its turbo engine was running fiercely but we couldn't get the gear in ! The only solution we had was to leave the car there and come back for it later while the 5 of us ( me, my Ayang, Sophea, Laila and Yasmin) had to squeezed ourselves into Fazmi's car. So how's the car now? I have no idea....but it's still in the workshop being fixed. Though I can't wait t be out again....fooling around but I tend not to ask my Ayang when can we have the car back. Sooner or later it'll be home....I just need to wait and be patient.....yup....patient...and a lot of it! Second it was the water. It went off since yesterday but even without the water pouring

It's triplet!

Really it's triplets.....! But of course it's not me, but the cat that just gave birth under Laila's bed yesterday. I've been watching this cat wandering around my house....she came in and I took her out...but then she came in again and it went over and over again so I thought that she must had been in labour....hehehe....( cam serius jer labour... ) I prepared her a box outside the house..... "this is your can stay here with your kids..okay.." , assuming that the cat would understand me. But as I thought...she seemed didn't like the box or most probably she didn't understand what I was saying , hahaha. Until last nite when I was talking to my girls I heard a soft crying sound....coming out of nowhere but I recognized the sound. It was the sound of newborn kitten. Oh no! The cat had delivered her babies....I searched here and there....and then suddenly Laila told me that there was a cat under her bed.... "Bawah katil Angah ada k

Happy BIrthday Najihah....!

Owh....luper plak nak update birthdays...since in July ni tak banyak yg sambut birthday in my family. Anyway...I'd like to wish my soft spoken, sweet and adorable niece, Najihah a very happy 13th birthday . Actually, her birthday was on July 31st. You are 13 girl! Dah besar dah anak sedara Che' Ja nih.I used to babysit her when she was 4 months old....while I was waiting for my SPM result. Najihah ni pandai gak.masa UPSR tahun lepas she got 5A's....and skang ni dia bajar kat mana yer? tak pasti la plak...but sebelum ni masa sekolah rendah dia bajar kat Sekolah Agama Al-Irsyad....sekolah agama swasta kat Kuantan nun. She is the eldest of 5 and anak my 3rd sister..Kak Noor. She was born in Kelantan but raised and schooling in Kuantan, Pahang. Masa dia kecik2.....menguji kesabaran betul jaga dia.....hihihi.....but as she grows up, she turned into a very nice, soft and sweet obidient girl. Oklah...kakak...Che Ja doakan semoga Kakak and berjaya in every little things you do...

My Ayang is home......*wink, wink *(blushing)

At last....he's home. I just fell asleep when I heard the phone rang and it was him calling me to unlock the gate. . When I looked up the clock it was quarter past two in the morning. It did took me a while before I could reach the gate and unlock the padlock since I had to change my sleeping attire....too sexy to be outside (eh, seksi ker I nie?)....hehehe...eventhough it was still dark. Fazmi sent him home. Thank you Fazmi for safely driving my beloved Ayang's a packet of keropok for you. Ngeh..ngeh..ngeh... We talked....until we heard the Azan Subuh....and we slept after the prayer. There were so much to many things to talk about....and so many boxes to be "treasured"...hehehe...actually there were only two boxes. Apart of his dirty clothes...Ma kirim some keropok and frozen char kuey (it's a must!) . Ayang did buy me a batik sarong , eventhough I'm not a batik sarong lover which he knows. There were also some stuffs that his friend

I'm waiting n waiting n waiting n....n....n.....zzzzz

Argghh....tak larat dah nak nak tunggu jugak....eeiiii....! Today I went to the clinic to see he doctor to have a peak on my little baby in my womb. Nor drove me there. There I met Ema, who was also having her tummy being scanned. I was worried at first since I'm stucked with Yasmin....worried if she would cry...if she would not let me being checked but everything went just fine. Yasmin was behaving very very well even if she missed her 2 o'clock nap time. Hehehe....when I was ready to be scanned the doctor even put her on the same bed with me ! And she was bubbly as ever. According to the doctor, she believed that I'm now 6 months pregnant and the baby is expected to be delivered on November 17 ! Whooo....! Tak lama dah tu... My next appoinment with the doctor will be in end of August. * commercial break * eiiii.....ring me! do ring me! ......eeiiii......bikin wa tensen laaa...... okeh...chow!

No Idea?

I feel like writing something but I don't know how and where to start....why don't I start with this....well, last nite my eldest sis- Kakak, called from Singapore.Thanks sis....we talked for almost 30 minutes I guess. We rarely see eachother because of the distance you see....but every year I'll make sure that we meet so whenever I want to book tickets to fly back to my hometown...I'll check up with her...or otherwise. So we surely will meet eachother, insyaAllah. I told her that I'm expecting my fourth child (err....have I ever mentioned that I'm currently 17 weeks pregnant? I bet I miss that ...) and her response was very supportive...and positive as usual....that made me thinking.....well, because some people are not that positive ....far from being supportive. When I told my mom that I'm pregnant (again...) she was positive too. Well, she had being pregnant for 11 times and the gap between each pregnancy was between 1-3 of course it's not

Another day to live....

Hmm.....yup....yet another day to live.....last nite my Ayang called at 1 o'clock in the morning. I was all prepared to go to the bed, had my camisole and my short on......the kids were already asleep and then I heard the phone rang and I knew it would be him. We talked for about 30 minutes or so and off I went to bed......Ayang said he won't postpone his ticket, he wants to go straight home.....well, that's a good news for me! Can't wait to see him.. It rained today....hard...fortunately after I safely sent the kids to school...otherwise.....hehehe....and I figured out something today too....Yasmin is not so keen of rains....yesterday it rained too and the sound of the heavy rain pouring over the roof woke her up and she cried....and today...she wouldn't go to sleep..not until the rain had stopped. I prepared Nasi Minyak Hujan Panas for lunch today....with Chicken Curry and "Ikan goreng"...Sophea's favourite. ...and no acar. Not enough ingredients....

Takperlah..tepek gambar ni dulu.....

Pegi tengok ayah main bola kat skolah ayah....aktiviti di hujung minggu.....hehehe.... (err..yang belakang tu Che' Yan ...)

Sedihnyerrr....... Ayang dah pon pegi Kelate this morning......sebelum dia depart tu dia sempat call from the airport, katanyer masa on the way nak ke KK tu dia muntah .....aiseh, aku dah agak dah....dia mmg tak tahan naik bas...sure muntah.....kalau dia naik keta ....taderla dia mabuk, nak2 lagi kalu dia yang drive . Sian Ayang....dah la he's not feeling well, muntah2 la plak. Jap2 lagi sampai la dia kat KLIA....flight to KB dalam kol 3.10 petang......dari KK to KL ni dia pegi sorang...tak bersama2 kontinjen Sabah yang lain...bukan apa....sebelum ni ada masalah skit....hehehe...ada la satu hamba Allah nie.....pon nak ikut jugak team Sabah ker Kelantan w/p dia tak dapat pegi sebenarnyer....alih2 dia pandai2 sendiri pegi adjust sendiri kat KK...jadik terganggu la skit urusan yang dah di buat di sini.....tu yang my Ayang punyer tiket cicir ler satu.....adjust sana...adjust last my Ayang kena fly dulu. Tak kisah la kan......but the interesting part is....the person


Entah laa....hari ni bangun tido rasa down sangat.....tak tahu kenapa....rasa tak bersemangat.....tapi kerja tetap jalan...yelah...nak wat goes on....and memang hakikatnyer kehidupan kita ni memang macam nie...ada ups and downs......ada masa kita happy...ada masa kita sedih....but at the moment memang rasa macam letih....down...down......gitulah...tader mood nak cakap..aper lagi temporary je nih.....I know myself..... :)