Good Luck Mr. Husband and Friends !

My husband has left for Gunung Trusmadi with a group of his colleagues and students. Actually, he just came home from a 3 days trip to Kota Belud on Sunday and now he's gone again. Tak apa lah. he has been looking forward for this trip since this is his first time there. Well, it's everybody's first time since not so many people know about the Trusmadi mountain.

Gunung Trusmadi ? Where is that ?

Gunung Trusmadi is the second highest mountain in Malaysia. It stands at 2462m above sea level, almost half of Gunung Kinabalu's height. It is situated in Tambunan, approximately 40minutes drive from Keningau. According to people who has successfully conquered its peak, climbing Trusmadi is definitely a different and challenging experience compared to Kinabalu since so many part of its virgin forests has not yet been explored. Unlike the Kinabalu, Trusmadi is not provided with proper tracks and overnight cabins that makes it much more harder for hikers.

Why Gunung Trusmadi ? Why not Kinabalu ?

Well, my husband has already climbed the Kinabalu 11 years ago when he came to Sabah for the first time so when this opportunity comes it's definitely something that he doesn't want to miss. If I were him I wouldn't let it go either. Tapi ai takut pacat laaa.....hahahaha. it is told that there are a lot of pacats over there. Various species of pacats ! Under and on the trees. Ish....terus lemah lutut.

I hope that my husband's ( and his friends')mission to conquer the Trusmadi's Peak will be a success and I'm positively sure that he'll take a lot of pictures while he's up there. I mean A LOT ! Good Luck Babe ! I'll be waiting for you to come home ! MMuaaaah!


Halen said…
gud luck mr mokhsin.. semoga slamat smp ke puncak.

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