Babies and more babies!

Hmm..firstly I'd like to congratulate my dear sister Siti and her husband, Ise for their newborn baby boy....Muhammad Nabil. Born on March,11 at Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II, Kota Bharu. The whole family is excited to welcoming this new little fella to the family...the 21st grandchild of Wan Muhammad and Wan Hasnah.

Fresh from the 'oven',hhehehe...

Muhammad Nabil b.Norhisham

Congratulation too to my dear cousin Arfah and her husband for their newborn baby girl! Nama tak tahu lagi....Born on March,13 at the same hospital as Siti. Hehehe.....

Ada lagi list2 mak buyung yang tengah tunggu turn . all the father and mother to-be, sabar yer...


Effah Mahat said…
the baby looks sooooo... angel-like... betul2.. muka yg adui.... sejuk hati memandang...

teringat hari pertama pegang nana n lia...


congrates to u aunt janna!
NikNor said…
wow 21st!...subhanallah!..

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