Happy Father's Day....

I'd like to wish a very Happy Father's Day to my beloved Abah...you're the best Abah! And also to my darling.....my Ayang....father of my children......I love you Ayang....you've been a great father to the girls!

The girls made a card for him....and as usual, we stick it to the fridge. We spent the whole day at home, hehehe what a perfect way to celebrate.


same goes to yr hubby a.k.a Mr Mokhsin.

dpt card jugak? Aisyah terlupa kott... buat utk her dad?
kakak wat hepi father's day card for Ilham...tp Ilham dh letak dlm his diary...utk sumber inspirasi.
nur & nurul : tengkiu for the wish on behalf my my AYang....eh,my AYang pong ada blog tau! check it out la!

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