Three Baju Kurungs for Three Girls...

Yup, tonight we went for Raya Shopping...well, not exactly shopping sakan...because we took only half an hour to get the girls' baju kurung and shoes. That was all. We didn't have any theme colour this year.....ntah la....kinda not in the mood of thinking of any theme. As long as the girls has the baju raya and the kasut's still Raya. Hehehe...

Yasmin is too young to really understand the meaning of Hari Raya yet, so when we were trying to measure her size she kept running away...."nanak...nanak..." ,translates - "taknak..taknak". She even refused to try the shoes.....but as we got home and her sisters started to put on all the new clothes complete with the shoes, then she got excited. Jumping around.....stumping her feet....hehehe. She looked so cute in that baju kurung......err....tokleh reveal lagi...nanti baju raya basi....hehehe.

There's one more thing that I wish I could get for the girls....(actually there's a lot more! Hehehe) . Err....mana nak dapat bunga api kat Keningau ni? Does anyone know?


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Ahlami said…
kesian...tkdpt main bunga api
anak2 sdare mak uda..
kat Adelaide ade byk bunga api..
hahaha...siap jual kt supermarket lagi...ngeh3...teringin plak
mak uda yg besar pjg ni nk main...=P


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