Raya Preparation (tiru norf...hihihihi)

Ni gara2 baca blog norf la nie.....hehehe....anyway norf....my house preparation for raya is not any different than your house.....I mean...my mom's house (and my house...hehehe). New curtains are only made every 4 years....or maybe...5 ...or 6....unlike my MIL's house....new curtain is a must....critical. Hehehe....As for biskut raya.....my mom doesn't bake biskut raya....very contrast to my MIL too.....no biskut raya means no raya for her.....she would stay up late almost every night just to prepare biskut raya...at least 7 types of biskut raya. Not included all the chips....kerepek...sweets....adeh....!No wonder they do celebrate Hari Raya for the whole month of Syawal.

My mom always says this to us..if you want biskut raya, do it yourself...so that was what we did. But nowadays....we just buy it. Hehehe.....my second sis buys some, my 3rd sis buys some....and so does my 4th sis......and my eldest sis usually bakes some....so when some + some + some = a lot .Hehehe....Err...takder la a lot (kalau nak compare to my MIL punyer biskut raya stock..she has A LOT MORE!) .But at least....we do have something.....at least 6 jars of 6 kinds of cookies.....contrary to my MIL...6 jars only? and 6 types only? Her style.....as long as the table is not full with jars of biskut raya..that is not raya.....a big NO to her.....the coffee tables...the dinner table....upstairs...downstairs......huhuhuhu....

My mom is more into cooking dishes like satay....nasi dagang.....kuzi.....adeh....lapar la plok....things like that. And as for my self....I'm more like my mom.....and this year..I'm planning of preparing satay for Hari Raya..just like what we always have for every raya at my mom's house.

Owh..about the curtain....I'm having new curtain for this coming Hari Raya . After two years residing this house....that is the second curtain we would have. ....and for the next 3 or 4 years. My husband is painting the house too.....the exterior. The interior? We've painted it last Chinese New Year. Remember the lime green wall? Kalau orang tengok mesti orang kata...wah...raya sakan nampak? hmm......

kuningnyer mak ngah.....hehehe


Ahlami said…
saye pon bercadang nk wt sate gaks.
tktau la jd ke x...
sbb mcm xsmpt..heh3
waaaaa!! tidak...nk make nasi dage...

Anonymous said…
hehe... mcm tu la kak janna, lain tempat lain mentaliti, lain la derang nya cara...

rumah dah sunyi... boring nyee... umah kak janna mcm mana ???

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