Raya is just around the corner...

It's 2 o'clock in the morning and I just couldn't sleep so I decided to update something .I've been reading my friends blogs and it seems that almost everybody has started their Shopping raya...except me. I've been very busy with my Laksam business that I lost count on how many days we've been fasting..until today....I found out that we'll be celebrating Raya in less than 2 weeks! Mak aii...kejap nyer !
We haven't really gone for Raya Shopping......but the girls just get raya tops from their aunt, Che' Tie - my sis. Specially delivered from Sandakan. Che' Tie and Ayah Sae are going to celebrate Raya in Kelate.....huhuhuhuuu...jelesnyer....Anyway, on behalf of Sophea, Laila and Yasmin....thank you Che' Tie and Ayah Sae for the lovely tops.....memang comey and suits the girls...they just love it very much...cume masa they opened the box and discovered the tops...Laila's first comment was..."Baju sajer? "...sabor jelah.....and I told her that the tops would perfectly match their new jeans that I had bought before....

My Ayang went to KK today.....teman Fazmi.....alahai...ngalah kan orang perempuan plak nak berteman2.....hehehe...I was still asleep when he left in the morning. Since my Ayang is not around so my Laksam business is off too. I prepared Nasi Minyak Hujan Panas, Ikan Kerisi Masak Sambal, Ayam Goreng Madu for iftar....and the dessert was "Butir Nangka"..what?

Nila Butir Nangka....but yg ni with palm sugar version....hehehe

Owh..last Saturday I bought the girls an umbrella each...the small umbrella for kids that they've been asking for months ! Sophea chose the red one while Laila went with the green. So today they were so excited to go to school.....leh ler pakai payung baru....hehehe...but once they got home from the kindie....Laila just put hers by the sliding door and within a few minutes her umbrella was gone.....taken by the some neighbour's kids while the girls were inside the house changing their school uniform! Adoi....! Geram sungguh! I'm not mad because of that Rm5.80 umbrella was lost but of the kids. Yeah..their only small kids.....but these kids are really getting my nerve. Whenever they thought that nobody is looking, they would get into my car porch and ride my girls bike and after that they would leave the bike wherever they wish.....in the middle of the road....by their house or someone else's house or even in the longkang! Huhuhuhu.....they would go to my other neighbour's houses...making noise and hopped on the swing....and start climbing it up ...... .If there are cars passing by they would try to run after it or standing right in the middle of the driveway....., I wonder where are their parents.....don't they know where or what their kids are up to ? These kids are as small as 2 years old.....and they just playing around among them with no adult present ! Tak paham betul....

But, despite of the lost of the cheap umbrella...Ayah did manage to cheer Angah up with a surprise. Ayah bought each of them a new pair or telekung sembahyang....Sophea memang suker banget ! Senyum sampai ke telinga....I guess another thing in her wish list has been granted...

Nak gi Mekah ke nie....?

  • Umbrella = checked (and unchecked again for Laila, sbb hilang)
  • telekung sembahyang = checked
  • colour pencil = checked
  • and never ending lists of "Thing s That I Want Mak/Ayah To Buy" (hehehe...)
the telekung sembahyang is so cute and it also comes with a small bag with Barbie on it.

Pandai Ayah beli......for Yasmin ..Ayah beli a new pyjama (again)....and for Mak....McDonald's. Hehehe....Thank you Ayah..... : )


Anonymous said…
wahh... mc D... lama tak makan Mc D...

akak... lama tak update.... bz sangat ke.... wahh laksam... tak letak ke resepi kat blog? ehhe.. buleh gak org cuba
Ahlami said…
sedak kakloh tuh laksae..haha..
amie rajin make doh sini..
haha...jange mainnn...
budok2 hok naik beskal curi2 tuhh
anak2 org smenanjung ke keningau gak? aiihh..mace2 laaa...
byk nyo budak2 nih bleh hadiah..
mak uda nk bg ape la ehh?
norf: dah..akak dah update dah...skang ni tak larat la norf...sudah sarat maa...

amie: check out my recipe blog for the recipe yer! mak ude...mak kata nak hadiah jugok! hihihi...
aisyahwm said…
kak ja..hari ni i try wat butir nangka..ise beghehi sgt mkn butir nangka, so blaja la wat. dh siap buat td, i pun online..br jumpe butir nangka yg kak ja wat..he2, lebih krg sm la result die,bleh tahan..;)

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