I am a whale.........

I am a whale. Whale is the biggest mammals in the whole wide world. It gives birth and breastfeed their cubs, just like other mammals. Why the heck am I talking whales? I don't know ......but right now....I feel like I'm a whale........


Anonymous said…
hehe.. akak pun... ape la pk pasal ikan paus ... awat? perut dah membesar ke?
ungu said…
adehhh akak nih...apesal lak tiba2 nak jadi ikan paussss.......
Mommy Lyna said…
hehehe. ikan paus binatang terBESAR.
norf:hehehe...sajer jer...t[ perut mmgdah besau dah nie....

fisha : hehehe....nak jadi ikan paus yg makang owang....hahaha

along : yup...tul tue...pasni nak tulis pasal gajah plak,hihihi.

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