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My Abah, My Hero.

My 81 years old dad. A mild stroke survivor. Diabaetic. On medication. On insulin injection. 💕 Wearing a pagoda tee,  a sarung and a python in his bare hands. Macam mana la saya tak anggap Abah saya ni hero. Kan? Bak kata my nephew Muhammad Wazif, "Atuk ni memang superhuman laaa..". Hehe. Kalau mak confirm dah mak panggil JPAM. 😁.

A Colourful Life.

I came across a post in Facebook by a male author. He kindly advised all ladies not to get married young, to get a steady career first before everything and he also said that if you choose to get married first then your life won't be as colourful as you want it to.  Well, I do agree with him.  Mostly what he said is true. I got married quite young, at 24 of age. I got pregnant right away and already had 2 kids within 2 years of marriage. I didn't have a fancy job though I studied at a local Uni, I don't own a house under my name, or even a car. I basically have nothing. Nothing to myself, much far for others. Sounds pathetic right? And weak too.  I solely depend on my husband though I do make some money on my own but yeah ...lepas buat beli kasut run je. Haha. But I always encourage my kids to pursue whatever they want to be, to have a career, to have anything they want and wish. But you know what, that part he said " hidup mu takkan bercorak" , I have to disagree

That's What Friends Are For

Some says, as you grow older you don't really need friends that are always close to you or be around you. All you need is a friend who is close to your heart .Well, it is true. Partially.  But isn't it wonderful to have a friend (or friends) who is around you within your reach. Whom you call and have a coffee break with. Whom you enjoy to be with, spending time with. Don't you think?  I'm glad that I have friends who are not only close to me but close to my heart as well. I do have a lot of friends. Near and far. Young and old through all the years. But when my kids was smaller I didn't have any friends to hang out with. And I have to admit I somestimes to envy those who have friends that are close to them and to spend time with. And who would've thought I am able to do that now.  Friends to hang out. Friends for coffee. Friends for more adventures. I'm so grateful for all this. Thank you for being my friends.  #runningbuddies #hikingsquad

People do change.

 I admit that I have changed.  A little. I think.  And I noticed there are some people who are close to me seem like feeling a little uneasy with my changes. Or is it just me feeling that way?  I guess it's me.  I'm sorry that I have changed.  I thought that you would be happy for me. For who I am.  I have to admit, I am sad. But that's okay. Because one thing that never changes is that I will always love you no matter what. I will love you for who you are. And  you are always in my prayers. 

My First 15km! Yeay!

I need to document this. My personal achievement.  My first 15km.  Tak pernah lagi lari sampai 15km.  Itu pon jenuh dok berperang dengan diri sendiri dalam kepala.  Kejap rasa macam boleh..kejap rasa macam nak buat 10km je.. Pastu rasa macam tak larat, 13km pon cukup lah....siyes banyak kali rasa nak give up.  Hari2 lah macam tu even nak lari 10km pon begitulah selalu. Haha!  Siapa kata lari ni best? Hahaha!  Saya la!  😆😆😆.  Actually yang best tu bila dah habis lari, baju habis basah lencun is so satisfying. Masa tengah lari tu tader la best sangat. Muka merah, sunburn lagi, tudung senget, rambut terkeluar, basah pulak tu....tak lawa sungguh rasa. Haha. Tapi esok mesti nak lari lagi.  Oklah. Lepas ni kita aim for HM plak ya. InsyaAllah.  #ilovetorun #tostayactive #strava #myrunningjourney

Don't judge a book by its cover.

 Sifat suka mengejek orang, memperlekeh kan orang, mentertawakan orang atau dalam bahasa mudah nya "make fun of others" ni adalah sifat yang tidak kenal latar belakang seseorang. They make fun of how others look  and what they wear, as an example. Seronok kan?  Ia bisa dimiliki oleh pelbagai jenis golongan manusia juga tidak mengira apa pon profession seseorang itu. Sama ada seorang guru..atau pelajar...sama ada yang tua mahupon yang muda...yang berambut hitam ataupon karat. Malah golongan ustaz yang berkopiah atau berserban dan ustazah yang bertutup litup lagi sopan dan ayu juga ada yang suka make fun of others. Yelah. Sekurang2 nya...walaupon dia suka make fun of others (me to be exact) , tapi dia masih lagi menutup aurat dengan sempurna dan tak pakai leggings ketat macam mak ni kan?  Baiklah.  * Nanti ada la yang komen, bakpo preehh, skalo berehh. Kalau dah selalu kena..mahu mak tak preehh. 

Happy Birthday Kak Ngoh Run!

Tengah tunggu Farhana Noor  habis lari. Nak tumpang balik. Haha.   Lari di Bataras ni best jugak sbb flat je.  Cuma bila dah siap tak best sangat kalau nak membawang.  🤭. Kan Saliza Binti Abu Sairin , Mizah Hashim , Nur Tieya , Azzi EMa , Nurul Nsf .  Sini meriah. Ramai regular runners.  But ada 2 orang regular runners je yang mak pasti akan bertegur sama ada say Hi atau just angkat tangan, yang mak tak pernah kenal sebelum ni. One is this energetic young chinese lady who would never fail to greet me good morning everytime we bumped into each other. She runs fast. Laju je dia lari.  The other one is this indian guy. We would say hi to each other by raising our hands. I am positively sure he is a doctor sbb pernah ternampak dia hantar anak dia pegi sekolah Pasir Puteh wearing scrubs. Hehe. Nanti mak nak selfie with these people. And to other runners whom we regularly bumped into each other..jangan malu2 nak say Hi to me okay?  It's really nice to see the same faces with mutual inte